j e d e n

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Addison Wells strolled down the hallway and snuck up behind her tall zombie boyfriend. Zed was talking with Eliza about the werewolves that were coming to Seabrooke that day.

"Boo!" Addison exclaimed wrapping her arms around Zed.

"Hey!" He exclaimed turning around to smile down at his girlfriend.

"What are you guys talking about?" Addison asked.

"The werewolves, they're beginning school today," Eliza explained.

"I can't wait for you to meet them!" Zed exclaimed exited as he put his arm around Addison, "There Wynter who you're probably gonna like. She's a little quirky but super fun! Willa may seem scary, but she's amazing. She's the alpha of the pack so she needs to act super tough sometimes. And wait till you meet Wyatt! Awe man, he's the best! He's been my best friend since the day we meet back when we were like 4!"

"I'm excited!" Addison agreed, "Especially to meet Wyatt. You talk about that guy all the time!"

"They're coming!" Someone yelled. Everyone ran to the front of the school. Sure enough, the werewolves were coming out of the woods and into the school. They were wearing a clash of purple and brown with fur. They all had some form of white in their dark hair. Their black claws and fangs were sharp and deadly looking. 

"They have fabulous hair." someone murmured. Addison grinned as the werewolves began to mesh with the zombies.

"Hey Wynter, " Zed said to a short werewolf girl with half black hair half white hair.

"Hey," She said excited, "I can't believe I'm actually here, wow wow wow wow wow wow wow-" She paused and looked around. 

"Too much?"

"Too much." Another werewolf girl agreed. She had long curly black hair with a white streak. 

"Willa!" Eliza exclaimed giving the alpha a hug, "So happy you could make it!"

"Yeah," Willa agreed.

"Addison, this is Willa and Wynter. Willa Wynter, this is Addison. My girlfriend." Zed introduced.

"Nice to meet you guys," Addison exclaimed.

"Nice to meet you too." Willa and Wynter said in unison.

"Wyatt!" Zed suddenly yelled a huge grin appearing on his face. A werewolf boy and Zed hugged in greeting. 

"Hey Addison, this is Wyatt." Zed introduced. Addison held her breath. Wyatt was a tall lanky lean werewolf boy. He had olive skin and dark brown hair with a white ombre in the front. His deep brown eyes were framed by long-lashed. He was rugged and muscular, and Addison's heart practically stopped. Wyatt's eyes were on her scanning her slowly. She could feel his gaze burning. 

"Wyatt, this is Addison, my girlfriend," Zed said happily.

"Nice to meet you," Wyatt said reaching out a hand to shake. Addison swallowed and took his warm hand. 

"Nice to meet you too." She said fakely. She was dying to kiss him. She didn't know why the air seemed to be thick with tension. 

"So, you guys like the building?" Zed asked oblivious to the chemistry between his best friend and his girlfriend.

"It's ok," Willa said dismissively.

"Nothing compared to the wolf den." Wynter agreed.

"It's fine," Wyatt said his eyes fixed on Addison, "Real fine."

"Would you like a tour?" Zed asked tapping his girlfriend and best friend's hands. They both let go though their gazes were still on each other.

"Yeah," Wyatt said looking Addison up and down lazily, "  I would."

"Let's go," Zed said happily leading them into the building.

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