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I looked Wyatt in his eyes. His hickory brown eyes were warm but fierce at the same time. I could feel my heart beating faster. Suddenly I saw Zed from the corner of my eye walking away. 

"Zed!" I called running after him. "What's wrong." He turned around and I was surprised when I saw how angry he looked.

"He's into you, and you're into him." He said bitterly.

"What do you mean?" I asked surprised.

"It's their first day here and that werewolf is falling all over you." 

"We were just cheering!" I said a little more defensively than I had intended. Zed sighed and opened his mouth to say something, but Eliza appeared out of nowhere. 

"Hey, there's a meeting for all presidential runners." She said.

"I have to go," Zed sighed, "But I'll talk to you later." I watched Zed run away.

"Addison," Bucky said appearing out of nowhere, "Here are your new pom-poms! Cheer captains cannot be stuck with old ones."

"Wow! Thanks, Bucky!" I exclaimed. Wyatt appeared out of nowhere and studied the pom-poms. 

"Flimsy," He said pinching some of it as soon as Bucky was out of earshot.

"They're cute," I said proudly. He smiled. 

"What were you and that zombies talking about anyways?" He asked. 

"His name is Zed. And we were talking about the presidential election." I bit my lip. I didn't want to lie to Wyatt, but I didn't want to tell him about the conversation that Zed and I had. 

"Addison," Bucky yelled. "We have routines to do! Let get going!"

1 week later

Looking back on it, I couldn't believe it had only been a week. It felt like a lifetime ago. I would always get fired up whenever last period came. It meant that I could see the werewolves and Wyatt and cheer with them. Wyatt is a werewolf.  I remind myself. I don't know why I continually put Wyatt as a separate category. I sighed as I placed my mug of hot cocoa down and get up to get ready for bed. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and I opened it. The entire pack of werewolves were there. 

"Come with us," Willa said.

(a/n 1:23 is all I gotta say.)

"Hey!" A voice yelled. We all turned to see Zed running in. Bonzo watched from afar.

"Zed!" I said looking surprised. 

"Addison get behind me." He said pushing me behind him. He grabbed his z-band.

"I'll take it off!"He threatened.

"Zed!" I exclaimed, "They weren't hurting me! They're m friends."

"You're our alpha," Wyatt said stepping up.  Zed whipped his head around.

"You were sneaking out with him at night?" Zed demanded.

"With the pack." I corrected him.

"Addison you're not the alpha. You can't be." Zed said shaking his head.

"One way to find out for sure." Wyatt said handing me a box, "This is reserved for the great alpha. If you put it on, you transform." 

"Addison," Zed warned. I opened the box and took out the necklace.

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