Professional Children

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Book three of the professional series.

Jenkin and Arabella are no longer babies. Jenkin is a teenager who is learning the business ways from his father, while Arabella is now beginning to make choices for herself, but are they always the right ones?

Will Jenkin be Able to protect Mitchell's L.T.D? Or will Arabella's jealousy destroy everything?

"Robert! You can't make her see that!" Kimberly shouted at her husband.

"No mum, I wanna do it myself." Ari stepped closer to the man seated in the chair.

"Bella!" Kimberly warned. She didn't want her daughter doing such a horrible thing, even if her father did. "Get Jenkin." Kimberly instructed Elijah.

"Time to fuck you up." Arabella smiled a sinister smile and took a bat into her hand.

Cole chuckled. "She's crazy like her mum."


Thank you for reading my story, and I hope you enjoy it. Before you do, though I'd like to warn you:-

This is fiction. All characters, organisations and events portrayed in this story are based upon my imagination. The way the characters are portrayed in this story does not represent or relate to who they are in real life.

The things the characters may say or do does not reflect on how I think or feel on certain subjects, this is just how I portray my characters and their behaviours. By no means do I agree with everything I have written to express my characters personalities.

Some characters may be the same people from some of my other books but that does not mean they act, think or are the same, there will be similarities and differences in each book to fit the plot.

This book will contain mature themes such as vulgar language, sexual assault, violence, LGBTQ+ and sexual writing. If you are for any reason triggered by any of these and/or if you get easily offended, I advise that you do not read. (Unless it's the LGBTQ+ that's offending you then you're just a prick.)

However, if you are a stunning bitch and enjoy reading things as such and want to continue reading, then I hope you enjoy. Please share your opinions and show support by leaving comments and votes as I honestly do care, even though it may seem as if I don't.

I hope you enjoy reading.

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