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Natalie: Oh, it's our first long term dare! Isn't this fun? 

Egon: Depends what it is. 

Peter: Besides you control what we do and do not get to do, so it'll work out for you. What is it? 

Winston: Are we switching bodies, getting something removed, what terrible thing is it? 

Natalie: Excuse you, I would never let my body get switched if I can help it. Already did it, wasn't fun being Egon for a day. 

Egon: Hey! 

Ray: What, did you enjoy being Natalie? 

Egon: Of course not. But still, I don't need to be reminded how much my sister hates being me. 

Natalie: Anyway, onto the dare! 

@AshKaiba : I dare the group to lock Peter and Ray in a room together, without their knowledge of this dare, and leave them in there for four asks. 

Winston: Oh, that's simple enough! In you two go! *shoves them in a room, locking the door* 

Peter: ...I hate you. 

Ray: This isn't funny! 

Winston: Oh no, it's VERY funny. 

Natalie: Anyway, please do send us some asks, dares, anything you all want! 

Please do, I'm out of a job until my state lifts up the ban of restaurants and bars! So I've got nothing to do for a while! So send them in! 

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