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Peter: Well boys and girls, we are back! Been busy keeping the streets ghost free! So let's see what lovely questions we've been getting!

@deadaccountowo Is it hard to catch a ghost with the ectoplasm?

Ray: It can be at times! The ectoplasm can get in places you don't want, can get you stuck to walls or the floor, and some ectoplasm is dangerous! Why you shouldn't mess with it. Leave it to us!

Winston: I just think the stuff is nasty.

Natalie: Aww Ray, you got an ask!

Ray: Huh?

@progerific : Tell Ray that I said hes a cutie!

Ray: I-I... well I... *blushing bright red*

Peter: You broke him! But they aren't wrong.

Winston: You are pretty cute.

Ray: Shut up!

@RockNRollGirl101 : What's the worst injury each one of you experienced? Also where is Slimer?

Peter: My worst injury on the job was probably a broken arm and leg. I got it when a ghost dropped me from a third story window. I landed on my side on a thin blanket. Lucky me, right?

Winston: Mine has to be the concussion I got when a ghost hit me over the head with a frying pan. Hurt like heck.

Natalie: Mine is the time I had the building fall on me and I nearly died. Got a new kidney from dear old brother over there who's awfully quiet.

Egon: I didn't have much to say. Anyway, the worst injury I had experience was a huge burn I got when a ghost started a fire on me. I was fine, but still hurt.

Ray: Mine was the sprained ankle I got when I fell off a cliff running from the ghost. And for Slimer, hes right here!

Slimer: *waves*

Natalie: You'll find out Slimer talks less than Egon does.

Peter: Its our big time back Egon, you've got to say more than one thing!

Egon: I don't have to do anything. Keep it up and I'll sick Slimer on you.

Peter: Well when you put it like that...

Send more ask, because I am back baby!

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