Does Egon Spangler Is Gay?

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@AshKaiba : Hey Egon, if you had to date one of the boys on the team, who would it be?

Egon: What kind of a question is that? 

Natalie: Answer it! I want to know!

Egon: *sighs* Well I suppose all of them would be suitable partners. All three are my friends. Peter can be annoying and hard to handle at times. He teases me a lot. But at the end of the day, he does care about me. Hes got a pretty nice looking body and his hair is pretty soft. Those eyes are quiet stunning has well.
Winston on the other hand isn't the smartest person in the room, but he does understand me well enough. That's always welcomed in a partner. He is also a nice looker and does a lot of things to make me happy. Hes a sweet guy and one of the sweetest on the team.
Then there is Ray. Ray is the one who keeps up the most. His child like temperament can be annoying at times, but I do like it most. He's so passionate and loving towards his job and is a great friend. Hes also a nice looker. They all are.
If I had to pick, probably Ray. Less downsides.

Peter: ...

Ray: ...

Winston: ...

Natalie: ...

Egon: What?

Peter: Egon old buddy, you wouldn't happen to be gay, would you?

Egon: Of course not*. Don't be absurd. I was simply stating facts. Nothing more or less. Next question.

*Egon was not fully telling the truth

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