The Aftermath

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@AshKaiba : What do the rest of you think of my dating question?

Natalie: Well I can tell you what happened afterwards since the guys fell asleep on the couch. After you asked, the four of them sat down and just started to talk about it. Turns out Egon was lying a bit. My twin bro is pansexual!
He was nervous about it, but Ray calmed him down by revealing hes a true blown homosexual. Winston is still deciding and Peter is bisexual. I was a part of it of course, but you asked about the guys.
I didn't doubt any of them. I myself am pansexual like my brother. Another common thing I guess. We are a group of LGBTQ ghost hunters! Who would have thought it!
So to answer, I don't think the four care who in the group they would date. We are so close has it is, I'm surprised we aren't in a poly already! *chuckles*

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