The Date

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@AshKaiba : Hey, Egon. I'm sorry that some of my questions were mostly aimed at you. Also, Ray, Peter, how did your date go? 

Egon: Oh, I don't really mind that much. I'm glad you like me enough to ask them. You can ask me anything. I may not seem it, I can be a bit of an open book. And enough if I don't, Natalie is making me answer them. 

Natalie: Yes I am! 

Ray: Anyway, we did go on the date! 

Winston: Honestly, the answer changes on which one you ask. Watch. Ray, why don't you say how it went? 

Ray: It was the best date I've ever been on! Peter treated me to anything that I wanted, he made me laugh so much, it was the best thing ever! He was so sweet and... and... I loved it!! 

Natalie: And Peter? 

Peter: It was the worst. It wasn't because of Ray, he was great! I enjoyed his company! But I was the worst! I kept saying stupid stuff, I almost forgot my wallet to pay for the food, I was a mess... I can't believe he thought it was good... but I'm glad he enjoyed it. I would have hated to ruin it for him. 

Natalie: Just don't get him started on his new partner. 

Egon: Please don't mention it around him. 

Winston: I agree on that. 

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