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@AshKaiba : If you were all in a role playing game, what would you all be and what names would you pick?

Peter: I would be a bard! I could woo all the monsters into listening to us! For the name, maybe... uh... Peterious Venkmanious!

Winston: Great name Pete. I would be a druid. I have no idea why I would want to be, but I like the idea. I think Fann would be a nice name!

Egon: Since you seemed so keen on my answer, I asked Peter what he thought best. He... he said a wizard.

Peter: *snickering* Like your ancestor!

Egon: The name would be... I want to tease you and say Egon, but in seriousness, probably Ion. I like the name, and its close.

Natalie: A ranger. I love the idea of them. The name I would pick would totally be Egon just to piss him off.

Egon: Hey!

Ray: A paladin! I think they are awesome! And I would pick the name... uh... how about Starlight? I like that name! Yeah!

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