Gozer Attack

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@AshKaiba : Natalie, what did you think when Gozer came along in the past? 

Natalie: Huh, I haven't gotten an ask that was aimed at me for a while. Not sense the other four took over my ask book. Feels kind of nice. 
Now to answer the question: I didn't know what was going on. I wasn't a Ghostbuster back than and I wasn't really on talking terms with Egon at the time. Honestly if I hadn't heard of the Ghostbusters, I probably wouldn't have even been in the city. I lived in New York, yeah, but I was actually living in a town a couple miles away from New York City. I didn't go often since my sucky maid job didn't make good money at the time. But I did kind of want to know what all the fuss was about with Egon and his friends. Besides, I heard it was Ray and Peter. A little unknown fact about us is that I did know Peter and Ray before my time as a Ghostbusters. We did all go to college after all. Egon introduced us. 
All the ghost was a strange thing. In fact I never got to go and see them. They were so busy and explaining to Janine or Winston that I was an old college friend and Egon's sister was just not something I wanted to do. I was in a cheap hotel that they actually did bust a ghost at. I watched him bust the ghost. I may not have been on good terms with him, but I was proud that he was finally living his dream of catching and studying ghost. He was really good at it as well. 
So when Gozer actually attacked, seeing a giant marshmellow was not something I really thought I'd see with my own two eyes. I mean that thing was huge! Plus I heard that the Ghostbusters were fighting an army of ghost, two devil hounds, and a god? To be honest, I thought... I... 
I thought I was gonna lose my twin brother. I know it's sappy and stupid since I was literally doing everything in my power to avoid him, but I couldn't help it. Egon was always my family. He was the person I've always been closet to. We've been together before we were even born! We are close. And thinking he was gonna die really hurt. So I guess Gozer wasn't my main issue. It was that Egon finally got way over his head. 

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