Ghostbusters vs Mythbusters

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@AshKaiba : Have you guys seen the Ghostbusters vs Mythbusters Epic Rap Battle, yet? 

Peter: The what now? 

Winston: Hang on, let me pull it up real quick. 

One video later

Ray: That was... so cool! I loved everything about it! 

Peter: It did have a really nice ring to it! I say we destroyed those fools like nothing! 

Winston: I think it was more Staypuff, but he's ours so it counts! We totally won! I mean we are still around, those guys aren't! 

Egon: That is true. The Mythbusters couldn't even stand each other. We at least can. 

Peter: Well sometimes. I don't know about you all, but Egon's big brain can be a bit annoying. 

Ray: Says you with that mouth. 

Winston: Cut it out you two! We play nice when Natalie is away! 

Peter: We do? 

Winston: We do! 

Egon: It's safe to say that yes, we have, and we enjoy the video very much. 

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