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@IAintFraidofNoGhosts : Janine and Slimer, what is your favorite foods? 

Slimer: *goes on a long description that no one could really understand* 

Janine: He said his favorite food is cake. I won't go into the detail he is going into. My favorite food is probably chocolate covered doughnuts. Though lately they have been hard to enjoy with Slimer around. 

*Ecto-1 pulls into the firehouse and the guys get out* 

Peter: Janine, we are home! 

Ray: We had a free roaming class three vapor! It was wild and- did you clean the firehouse? 

Janine: I did! And I even cooked you all dinner! Aren't I nice? 

Natalie: We left the ask book open and you took over, didn't you? 

Janine: Yeah... 

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