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@AshKaiba : How many of you love Disney? If so, who is your favorite character?  

Quick Note: Even though they are technically in the 1992 at the moment, I'm going to cheat and let them know current Disney people because I'm lazy and this ask book doesn't follow the restraints of time 

Ray: I love Disney! Oh, I can't even think what my favorite character is... maybe it's Pooh! Yeah, I really like Pooh! He's so soft and cuddly! 

Peter: Ray is our biggest Disney fan at the moment. But we all do enjoy it so, yeah. And my favorite character is probably Phil from Hercules. He's pretty funny and stuff. 

Winston: Sounds like you. 

Peter: What is that supposed to mean? 

Winston: Nothing. My favorite is Simba from the Lion King. He's a really awesome character! 

Natalie: I like Jasmine from Aladdin. She's a kick butt character! 

Egon: I like Milo from Atlantis. 

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