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@IAintFraidofNoGhosts : How much does Slimer annoy you all? 

Peter: A ten! The little spud is a pain in the butt! Why do we keep him around? 

Winston: Ignore Peter. I don't like when we eats all the food and slimes our clothes, but other than that, he's not an annoyance. 

Ray: I have to agree with Winston. Besides, he's great company! 

Egon: He's interesting to study. Helps us understand ghost a little better and can help me test new gadgets. He's a good little test subject. 

Natalie: Has a collective, only Peter really gets annoyed at him for things. We've mostly gotten used to the slime that Slimer makes and the food part is barely a surprise anymore. Maybe Ray can train him better. 

Ray: Oh trust me, I've tried. 

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