Confusing Things

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@AshKaiba : Everybody, what do you find the most confusing about all of the other members of your team? 

Winston: Well the most confusing thing about Ray is how much he loves this job. I don't always get the most pleasant feeling hunting down and nearly dying by ghost. He loves the job so much! 
Peter it has to be how he can always find a joke or witty one liner when we are about to die. He barely loses his cool when we are facing our doom. He can't help it. It just baffles me at times because I can always count on it. 
Natalie it is her generally strength. The girl is just so tough and I have to wonder why. After all, I've never seen her work at a day since I've meant her. It's just weird. 
Last is Egon. Now I could say a lot of things for Egon. Man is not the most normal person around. But the most confusing to me? How he finds fungus and mold so intresting! Man can talk for hours about it and it always puts me to sleep! Just... how? 

Ray: Winston is a pretty normal guy. But he dose this thing at times. It confuses me a lot. Before bed, he brushes his teeth. Normal, I know. But then he drinks orange juice! Just straight up does it! How can he drink it? How? 
Peter confuses me about how he eats pizza. He at times eats the crust, waits for the pizza to get a little cooler, even when not hot, and then eats the pizza, no crust. It just doesn't seem normal to me. 
Natalie bites ice cream and popsicles. She doesn't mind the coldness with her teeth. She just bites them! It's not normal! 
Egon is the most normal one with me. But I have to wonder how he can eat so much sugar and not gain weight. He's a stick. He's so thin and you wouldn't believe how much sugar I've seen Dr. Spengler eat. It's insane. 

Peter: Ray's child like behavior is just confusing to me at times. I don't see how that innocents lived with us around but also did die. 
Winston confuses me with some of the slang he uses. I don't always know what he's saying for him being the normal guy around. 
Natalie's lack of a partner confuses me. She's a package deal. Smart, funny, pretty, can knock you out with one hit, how she's single is beyond me. 
Egon's big words confuse me. I don't get what he's saying half the time. Reason I have to make him tell it to me in English a lot. 

Natalie: Ray's love for Slimer can confuse at time. I don't get the love. I like the little guy, don't get me wrong. But I don't think taking him in was the smartest choice with their history. 
Winston's love of baseball can be confusing. I like sports like any person, but going to a team who can barely win against themselves is amusing really. Confusing yes, but I do admire his passion. 
Peter's lack of remorse after he eats my doughnuts really confuses me. I don't ask for much, but my doughnuts at times are mine! How can eat them without any regret worries me. 
Has for Egon, I could say a lot of things. I mean he's my twin brother for crying out loud! I know things about him no one else does. But the most confusing thing to me? How on God's green Earth he even is my brother. We are nothing alike! 

Egon: Ray's lack of grasping how dangerous a ghost is can be confusing at times. He should know by now. 
Winston's simple terms can confuse me at times. I'm so used to my own explanations that simple terms can get me confused and flustered. 
Peter's lack of regard on just how our machines work really confuses me. I try to tell him what it is but he barely listens and barely takes me seriously.  
Natalie isn't too confusing to me. After all, she is my sister and I do know her better then anyone else. But I have to say her lack of love for science can confuse me. After all, she's a Spengler. We usually do love science. But she would rather be doing anything else. Oh well, I guess. 

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