21: My Brother's Keeper

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"Are you paying attention?" Meliodas asked as he readied his sword. He looked at a young Zeldris who was eager to see his brother in action. "Watch closely." Meliodas demonstrated some moves with the sword, his feet leading him into fluid motions and swinging his weapon with a close precision.

Zeldris watched with his mouth agape. He wasn't nearly as good as his older brother and he feared he may never be.  Once Meliodas was done with the demonstration, he turned to look at him.

"Now it's your turn," Meliodas said, handing over his sword."

Zeldris was hesitant. "I don't know..."

"You can do it! I believe in you. Skilled fighting is in your blood."

Zeldris nodded and did his best to mimic Meliodas's movements, though his weren't as graceful. His face held determination to go through all the motions despite the embarrassment he felt deep inside. Once he finished, he waited to be berated by his brother.

"That wasn't half bad!" Meliodas said cheerfully.


"Just a little polishing on the techniques and you'll have it down in no time."

"Thanks, Meliodas." Zeldris smiled, having more confidence than before.

"Anytime, little bro!" He pulled in Zeldris for a noogie. The two of them laughed as Zeldris tried to wrangle out of his hold. Meliodas let go and put a firm hand on the younger boy's shoulder. Meliodas saw much of himself in his little sibling. The uncertainty and fear of failing were feelings he'd also harbored once upon a time. He looked down at Zeldris, the youngest prince of the Demon Clan, with a sense of pride emanating within him at the potential the small boy possessed. "You're going to make a great warrior one day."

Prince Zeldris sat in his throne, hands folded as he watched the man before him plead for his life. He was on his knees, begging with the Commandment to spare him. He had a wife, kids, and a dog he just had to get back to. His family meant everything to him. Didn't the great Commandment have his own family he never wanted to lose? Couldn't he show a little bit of sympathy?

He'd be eternally grateful for the Commandment of Piety's leniency. Surely he would understand and send him on his merry way.

Zeldris made a cutting motion across his neck and the man was quickly met with the tall, silver-haired Estarossa. His smile dropped realizing his fate. The man kicked about, screaming out in pure terror of his awaiting death. Estarossa made the death quick yet the man's screams still seemed to echo throughout the room.

"Another day, another killing," Estarossa sighed with a smirk. He wiped his hands of blood. "Why do these humans think they can defy us?"

"Kill the family, too," Zeldris ordered. His hands clutched the arms of the large chair. He was feeling exceptionally moody today. "But bring the dog."

Estarossa made a face. "What could you possibly desire a dog for?"

"Just do it."

His brother shrugged. "Aye, aye, captain."

"And be gentle!" He called out.

Now alone, Zeldris leaned back in his throne and took deep, slow breaths. His fingers drummed on the arm of the chair and he got the nerve he needed. He stood and disappeared to the basement to check on his brother. The door swung open and he descended the staircase to find him leaning against the wall.

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