❄ Chapter 18 ❄

Start from the beginning

"I don't know Nix... There were a few good things that rolled out of your past, right?" Tooth looked at Nixie as they made their way off the lake. Tooth winked at her as the short girl knew exactly what Tooth was talking about, the boy from her memories. Nixie looked downwards as she was searching for words. Watching her legs move as she stepped on the land.

"Yeah, a few... indeed. But believe me when I say that I rather fascinate on how perfect my past life could be, than spend eternity feeling guilty for my past actions.". She looked at Jack. "Maybe you should consider yourself lucky that you now still have the luxury of using your imagination."

"Yeah, that's right Nix. But... that doesn't stop me from getting my memories. There are so many questions that I have... and yeah, maybe there are bad things that happened but, I believe that there will be good memories also." He made eye contact with her as his blue eyes sparkled.

Bunny couldn't hold his curiosity anymore. The giant rodent made his way towards Nixie.

"Nix? What did Pitch talk about anyway? About you not being believed in anymore?" Bunny looked at his best friend. She looked at him with pleading eyes. "This is not the right time, Bun. I'll explain later, believe me." After a moment he nodded when some changes happened.

A couple of feathers landed on the ground that came from Tooth her body. "Oh no... The children... we're too late." Tooth gasped as the mural disappeared, an empty gray wall left behind.

North looked kind of angry while holding his broadswords in both of his hands. "No! No! No such thing as too late!" Everyone looked desperately at North as he was humming. "Wait, wait, wait wait wait wait wait! ..." He made some hand gestures as Nixie giggled. North pointed one of the swords at Bunny who dodged it just in time. "Idea! Hah!" He pointed the other sword to Nixie, Sandy and Tooth. "We! Will collect the teeth!"

"What?!" Tooth looked unconvinced. Jack was still standing on the rock as he had a big smirk on his face the whole time.

Nixie smirked at her house mate as she was in the mood for a good competition after all the dark stuff that was happening with Pitch. "We get teeth, children keep believing in you."

Tooth was flying around North as she talked fast as she almost always did. "We're talking about seven continents, millions of kids!"

"Give me break, you know how many toys I deliver in one night?" North replied with a cool and confident tone.

"And eggs I hide in one day?" Bunny pointed with his finger to his chest as he proudly took a step forward.

"O please, guys, guys." Nixie said as she made hand mockingly gestures to indicate to calm down. "You're forgetting who works for almost the whole damn year... Sandy of course." She smirked as she nodded while talking. They cheered and laughed as Tooth got a motivation boost.

"Oh, just leaffff it be, girl..." A cricket could be heard as Bunny made another one of his jokes. Everyone had lifted or furrowed eyebrows in confusion.

"You know, leaf instead of leave – cause you're Mother Nature." He explained dead serious as everyone still looked dumbfounded at the giant rodent. After a moment North started to laugh loudly before stopping abruptly a second later. "Not funny, mate." He said as a cherry on the top to Bunny.

North turned to Jack who was still standing on the rock that was located a bit higher than them. "And Jack, if you help us, we will get you your memories."

Jack looked very motivated as he smiled at the five people before him. Tooth lets out an excited laugh while Bunny grumbles, still in a grumpy mood caused by his bad joke. This was maybe Tooth's and their only chance to save them all.

Sandy lifted two thumbs up to Jack while North was nodding. Lastly, he looked at Nixie as she lifted one eyebrow at him. "I'm in!"

The guardians started to prepare themselves as they were busy talking. Nixie was walking towards the little lake to fill her bottle.

She felt a cold hand on her shoulder as she was crouching in front of the lake. She turned around to see Jack standing behind her. "Don't worry about my memories, I'm sure that they will be fine." He smiled as he placed some of her light-colored hair behind her ear.

"Do you want to accompany me when I get my memories back?" He smiled while he ran kind of nervously a hand through his white hair.

A weird tingling sensation started to form in Nixie her stomach as she looked in his eyes. Of course, she wanted too. Her eyes twinkled before she replied. "Gladly." 

Jack's eyes widened as he saw a vague vision before his eyes.


"...Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Jack asked, still sinking in what just had happened. A girl with dark blond hair and dark green eyes smiled as she touched Jack's brown hair. She couldn't be happier as her eyes twinkled before saying; "Gladly."


"Jack? Jack! Are you okay?" Nixie snapped her fingers a couple of times as he was zoned out. "Ye-yeah I think so." He shook his head while collecting the tiny piece of information that he just got.

"Come, we have to go." Nixie said to him while still looking a little worried as she walked towards the other four guardians.

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