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I'm really sorry for not updating soon,
It's cause I wanted the previous chapter readers to catch up with the last updated one
For those lovely kind people who sticked by, you people are beautiful, thanks for being my inspiration to write again
Thanks for reading]


Namjoon was wondering why was he called again at this school, the case was closed, he wanted to know what the kid has in his mind, his questions made him sleepless.
Hoseok was checking the area around.
He bowed when he saw Ms. Yumi coming, followed by the P.T teacher and the school watchman, along with the remaining unharmed members of mystey club.
"Ah, why are we called here, the student is wasting our time" the principal scowled, he probably was scared that the school name has degraded.
"Sir, I think Jungkook has something to say, that kid is genius, ask Ms. Yumi, she can really recognize, that whether you or the kid is smart ? " Namjoon spoke with a teasing smirk. The principal gulped and diverted his attention to his phone.
Hoseok came closer to Namjoon,
"Joon, you know we got another case to look at, if it's a prank, I won't remind myself he's a student" he spoke looking at the school entrance.
" Don't worry, I trust that boy" Namjoon was calm but inside he was curiosity too, what does Jungkook want to tell him.

"Oh no" Ms. Yumi screamed, all turned to her eyes direction.
"Jungkook" Namjoon screamed.
"So does that means, there's another AfterSchool Magician?"Hoseok spoke running after him.
" I don't know" Namjoon ran to the room, where he saw Jungkook's body hanging lifeless in the room and the scary,monster AfterSchool Magician, with his scary drawn smile, closing the window, with the view of Jungkook's body behind scared him.
They reached the room.
Hoseok tried opening it.
"It's locked, on count of 3,2,1..."
The door was broke, the rest people came running after them.
"Where's Jungkook?" Ms Yumi asked.
Yes, the room was all clean, with no trace of single soul not even blood.
Namjoon was hella confused.
"Ha ha ha"
A mocking laugh came behind them.
"You" Namjoon dashed among the people.
"Stop or I would shoot you" he warned.
They all came to a room, where they saw Jungkook's body was hanging.
Hoseok immediately ran cornering the murderer, Namjoon reached Jungkook's body, hoping he's still alive.
Hoseok removed the mask.

"What !?" He was surprised.

"What sick game is this" The principal shouted.

"Jungkook, what the hell are you doing?" Hoseok shouted at the AfterSchool Magician, who was none other than Jungkook costumed in a black cloak and a horrible mask.
The thing Namjoon was holding on was a dummy. He was happy for a moment but then fumed, he marched towards the boy,
"What do you want?" He shouted.
"Calm down officer, all I did this to show you the mystery room trick of Hwasa murder" he spoke freeing off Hoseok grasp.
" Jeez, you got me a mark there, Chaeyoung would sue you for this"he mocked.
Namjoon glared at him.
" So, before you kill me, let me explain my motive"
But he was interrupted.
" The case is closed " Hoseok shouted.
" It is not, the murderer is still here, among us" Jungkook's spoke with confidence.
" Nonsense"Hosoek shouted again. Namjoon hushed him before he shouts again.
" Jungkook, what do you want to say, what trick you want to describe to us?" Namjoon asked.
Jungkook smirked.
" There was never a murder held in the Chemistry lab, Hwasa was never killed there" he spoke.
All were shocked.
" The murder happened here" Jungkook spoke.
" Then why did we saw you getting killed in the other room?" The school prodigy, apparently no more, Woo Shin Hyun asked.
Jungkook asked them to move back, he then pulled out something.
"A mirror"
Hosoek asked.
"Yes, a mirror, a prop from the drama society club" he dragged the mirror, to the corridor, from where the campus field can be viewed,the mirror still reflected the view of the room, where the dummy hanged.
"So placing the mirror here, watching from the opposite sides, shows the empty room you went in but in real it was never that room, likely, the view inside the biology lab, became the view of Chemistry lab"
He walked further,
" That night, suspect put Hwasa hang in Biology room, then used this bug mirror at this place, infront of forever closed Chemistry lab, waiting for the watchman to pass by, and find it during the night patrolling, the suspect saw us walking out with him, therefore, opened the biology lab's door, let us imagine the view of Chemistry lab, next take the advantage when we ran, through the corridors and stairs, kept the mirror back and then pretend to be surprised and walked over behind "
He sighed and stood beside the room entrance.
He looked at them and continued.
"That night only one person can use this trick, the person who can use the Biology lab freely"
His eyes turning furious with betrayal.
" Ms. Song Yumi, that is you!"
All gasped and turned to her.
She was calm and looked at the suspicious faces.
"Jungkook, what do you mean?" She asked.
"Ms. Yumi, you roughly know it, the music room being cursed, right?" He asked.
She was calmed and playing it cool.
" It's one of the seven mysteries of the school" she spoke.
" That is you, who made it up six years ago" he claimed.
" Why would Ms. Yumi do it ?" Woo Shin Hyun asked looking at her.
Jungkook turned around.
" Go to the music room together, I mean the mystey club" he said.

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