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// Sorry, to keep you hanging, I thought someone would already guess who it is , Anyways//

Jungkook entered the dinning room, holding his head, he stayed up late trying to find the last link he's missing. He did come to a conclusion but he needs a fool proof.
Guess his restlessness made him the first person to arrive for the breakfast.
After losing two members the team decided to back out.
Chaeyoung was upset, but she's a cheerful and an optimist, she was already determined to win the show next year.
He chuckled at the thought of it.

"Good morning" that's what he heard.
"Can I get some coffee or tea, my head is aching" he said.
The lady nodded at him kindly and went to kitchen.
She turned to look for something then a frown was drawn on her face.
"The clock was placed here, where did it go ?" She asked to herself as she left the room.
"Was it here last night?" He asked her.
"Definitely it was !" She said.
"That's strange" she murmured and left the room.
He immediately got up and looked at the place before the Christine doll, place where the clock stood last night.
" The mystery is solved" he spoke triumphantly.


He stood in front of room of Lee Hyo Shin, knocked at his door, he needed something to be checked before he proceeded with his plan.
The boy opened the door and greeted him with a charming smile.
"Good morning, what's the matter?" He asked at him with the smile on his face.
"You remember the props for the drama were stolen, I want you to check and confirm once again. Plus it might happen something else is missing, can you verify for me ?" Jungkook asked him.
Lee's smile became gloomy for a fraction of seconds but went back to the cheerful one.
"Sure" he nodded and left the place.
Jungkook looked at him suspiciously.


It was 7.20 am. The hotel owner entered the room and welcomed everyone. The light on his face was missing. Jungkook felt bad for him. All had already been seated. Jungkook beside Chaeyoung by the window. There were three more chairs beside them. Two of the other end was occupied by the school prodigy and Lee Bona, Jungkook detaste the girl, he still remorsed how arrogant her and her deceased friends were. There seated Mr. Kim and Jung across them. Mr. Kim was reading some old magazine while, Mr. Hoseok was applying butter to his toast.
The two chairs beside them empty which were supposed to be filled, but the occupants were murdered. Next to them sat Kim Tan, Jungkook decided not to pay the guy any attention.
Mr. Haneul lodge owner, he sat at the very end of the table on the side where the detectives were seated. Only one seat was left in front of the cabinet where the big gorgeous doll of Christine stood.
Soon the person expected entered. He looked hesitated.
"I checked all props, except the mask and Cape all are in there place" he reported.
Jungkook thanked him and asked them to join them.
He looked a bit hesitant. "It's Lee Bona place" he said pointing at the nameplates resting on the table that didn't say his name.
Jungkook laughed " Just seat there, I have something to say, switch place later during the meal" he eyed the seat between Chae and Woo Shin Hyun, just infront of the doll resting cabinet.
His eyes protested at the given arrangement and eventually sat.

Jungkook stood, looked at the girl beside him, they talked about their plan early in the morning. She nodded asking him to speak up, her eyes travelling around the table cautiously.

"I want to speak about the plan of this murder case and the true face of the criminal Mr. Kang" he said looking at everyone face changing colours.
Namjoon gave him a confused stare and spoke "Jeon, I'm confident of your ability, but you saw it with your eyes, the said Mr. Kang jumped out of window and drowned to death, moreover BoNa is ok too"
He said pointing his fork at her.
The said girl still looked scared. She did jump a lot early this morning at any little squeak of sound or the waves hitting the shore.
He looked at the detective and spoke, " it doesn't matter if he's dead or alive, because the existence of this Kang person, is the criminal's plot" he said. All looked at him with the shocked eyes.
Mr. Hoseok taking a sip of his tea said : "his existence is a plot or not, still he jumped to the sea, it's a closed case already"
Jungkook just smiled at him and continued:
" days before we arrived, criminal used Kang's name to register for lodging. Then became mindful not to let people enter his room, he quietly left the lodge without anyone's notice, the real criminal who left this island the next day pretended as if nothing happened. As a guest status he came to this island again"
Chaeyoung looked at him and murmured " then it means -" she looked at table around her immediately. Jungkook noticing her tensed posture stood behind her, incase something goes wrong he will protect her.
He just nodded at her and continued -
" Yes, the real criminal is inside here,  one among us !" He said looking at everyone's face with his sharp eyes.
" What are you saying, when Rachel was killed aren't we, all the people present there?" Woo Shin Hyun spoke.
" Yes indeed, but that is criminal 's trap, a very clever not at the scene's plot" he said.
" Criminal recorder down Rachel's voice during practise, at dinner she secretly pulled the curtain beforehand, taking the chance that others are still at the  dinning hall, asked her to go to the stage, after a few minutes, broadcasted the pre-recorded shouting voice of her. At that time she was still alive" he stated.
" Then in that case, Rachel, who was on the stage, would definitely been able to hear the sound" Namjoon questioned his statement.
" It's the curtain" Chaeyoung spoke. She looked at everyone's confuses face. She then continued : " when the curtain is lowered, then non of the sound from the speaker could be heard on stage, we have experimented it, when Jeon behind the curtain, he couldn't hear a word of me shouting at him, nor could I hear him from there " she said.
All took her explanation quietly, nodding as they understood it.
Jungkook eyes went to Namjoon, whose eyes twinkled as realisation hit him. Jeon just smirked at him and said : "Yup, the curtain was lowered then.  Soon the criminal joined us and pretended to search for her, and quickly ran to the stage, and to cover her real scream he rang the theatre bell, then as he planned the bell triggered the cable and those stage lights fell on her, which killed her, afterwards the curtains were raised and he joined rest of us "
Everyone went quite and mouths were opening and closing as they were running his words in their brain.
" The culprit tried to retrieve the tape from the control room, and hence the scene was left clean"
" Then what about Run Sang ?, her room was bolted from inside " Woo Shin Hyun was getting excited.
Jungkook observed Kim Tan was all quite.
"I figured it out from the marks the wire left on her window, it was surrounded all over her window frame" he said tapping Chaeyoung's shoulder. " here we found this below her window, the wire had left a piece of it" as he said, Chaeyoung produced the piece of evidence infront of them.
Then she explained : "on the night when she was killed, the killer called her and told her to look below out the window, the killer waited for her to look out, then he pulled the wire and strangled her to death, then he used the same wire to climb down to her window and bring her body down, later using it to hang her in the tree" she said.
Jungkook jumped in and said : " he had her shoes on, which left footsteps to the tree, and pretending to be the real Phantom he showed up at Chaeyoung's window. Putting all blame on this Mr. Kang"
"Then  who jumped into the ocean and die, wasn't it him, the killer Mr. Kang ?" BoNa demanded.
" But was according to the story, he must jump into the ocean and again according to his scenario, we fall into the trap of believing The Phantom is really dead"
He said looking at everyone sharply, his eyes fell on the wall clock and then his grip on Chaeyoung's chair tightened, then BoNa shouted, " then there is a trap right now and still someone is going to be killed now?"  Everyone panicked at her words.
Namjoon shouted " Jeon what nonsense is this "
Jungkook then looked at everyone and shouted - "Don't Move" then as he noticed the girl he stood beside flinched he calmed himself and spoke "no one will move, stay where you are" all looked at him as he has gone mad.
" The killer will summon himself, until then, just stay put" he said.
All got quite, Kim Tan who was out of his chair took his position, everyone was highly alerted.
Tic-Toc ... Tic-Toc
It was all silent, all looking around as if the killer will pop up out of nowhere or someone was among them.
Some were blinking and fidgeting, but one of them was sweating. Jungkook smirked. He slightly pushed Chaeyoung making her sit on his chair.

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