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"OH, Chae, look !" exclaimed Jungkook. "Isn't it striking?"
As she nibbled on some toast, the young Jeon came to join her on the breakfast table, apparently it happens, Jungkook's parents are out of town and Chaeyoung's parents thought it would be a great idea to allow the boy have meals at their house. Well with the kids the parents were good friends of eachother.
"Jeon, stop looking at my mails!" She snatched her parcel from him.
Chaeyoung loved arts, so she had monthly subscription to some Art focused magazine.
As she snatched her magazine from his hands, her eyes caught a full-page advertisement. The photographic layout showed a bronze African idol with a diamond and emerald necklace. The gems seemed to glow with a feiry radiance by contrast with the eerie-looking figure.
"Beautiful isn't it !" He said. She nodded.
"Do you happen to know this is the  work of Mr. Baek Kyung ? " she asked.
" The famous photographer that you once mentioned ? " He asked.
She nodded.
" And recently he's a famous name in newspaper, believe or not ,he's accused of copying other people's work - of stealing their ideas"
Jungkook was shocked at this information.
" Isn't he a famous photographer, then why would be charged of something like that ? Plus why on the earth would he want to pirate someone's work? " He asked.
She chuckled. " Good question. The whole thing doesn't make sense. Baek Kyung has become the most highly paid advertising photographer, not just in Seoul but also in Japan and China, just because he creates such unique images - like this one of the African idol with a necklace that you have shown me. Yet, apparently he copied three separate layouts that were shot by other photographers for other agencies. He himself can't explain it"
She explained.
He listened to her and then asked." Have you seen those advertisements, Chae?"
She took a bite and nodded.
"Yes, I admit that the similarity they are having is a great coincidence. It's quite a mystery. And it happens to be another coincidence that he's a friend of my father, and being a lawyer he's handling this case, and he asked my father for help. Do you mind giving a hand in it ?"
His eyes sparkled at this interesting challenge.
" Sounds great, I'd love to help if I can!"
He said.
Chaeyoung just smiled at him.
" Who exactly is suing Mr. Baek?" He inquired. " The other photos?"
" Nope. A frim called ARM, Incorporated- one  of the three advertising agencies that claim their ads were copied" She replied. " Recently they did one for a cosmetic company that ran in MAC magazine. It featured a picture of flowers with models’ faces on the flower blossoms. A week or so later, an ad for a rival cosmetic company appeared in another magazine with exactly the same layout, this one photographed by Baek Kyung!"
Before Jungkook could ask something, the telephone of the house rang.
" I will get back to you" she got up and left.
Chaeyoung hurried through the hall. The caller was Mr. Jung Hoseok," Sorry to bother you so early on the Monday morning, but a situation has come up where a private detective can come handy. I tried to call that Jeon Kid, but he didn't pick up, so I called you" she laughed.
She then called the said  'Kid'.
He gave her a confused. She informed the detective that the 'Kid' is around her and he could converse with him.
" Hey, Kiddo" the voice said.
" Mr. Hoseok, fancy seeing you calling this morning and that too to Chae" he said in an annoyed tone.
" Don't be jealous, kid. I called at yours but you didn't pick up. Plus it's better contacting her first she listens to me" he said teasing me.
" Anyways, why did you call me. Can't solve another murder ?" He said in a mocking tone.
" Haha. very funny. No it's not. How would you like to investigate a disappearance?"
Jeon chuckled. It happens to be mystery-ful day to him and he found this one more interesting.
"Glad to. Who disappeared? Mr. Joon ?"
"Luckily no. A young actress Choi Sooji. Do you know her face" he said.
"Who doesn't. She's beautiful" he said.
Chaeyoung ears perked at his words, but decided to ignore this strange feeling bubbling in her.
" Yes, she was staying in Seoul, this weekend and somehow vanished overnight, a friend of hers is raising fuss about it"
" Who's the friend?" He asked.
" A young man named Lee Se Joo, who just flew in from Japan and he’s demanding that we launch a full investigation right away, but as you know, the police can’t legally take any action until a person has been missing for at least twenty-four hours. So I suggested that Mr. Se Joo put the case in your hands.”
The detective explained that Choi Sooji  had been staying at the home of friends on PSY Road. Chaeyoung jotted down the address and promised to go there at once.

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