💙ZICO + Mino⚠️ Past Is The Past, Right?⚠️

Start from the beginning

If you think, oh he's going to help him, your totally wrong. He pushed Jiho over making him land with his face in the sharp glass pieces. Jiho let out a scream and sat up immediately. His face had little pieces of glass everywhere. It started bleeding really bad. The guy ran away as fast as he could. Jiho sighted. Maybe he deserved it, he bullied Mino after all. Someone was waching him from a distance, but he didn't move to help him. He just laughed at it, and so did most other trainee's. Jiho screamed again when he fell over back into the glass pieces. He put his hand over his eye, which socked most trainee's

Blood tricked down from Jiho's wrist and he noticed. He grabbed his wrist and pushed his other hand on it. But it didn't help. His face turned pale and he fell forward, again in the glass.

Jiho opened his eye. He was in hospital. "h-huh? Where am I?" he couldn't open his left eye. In a flash he remberd what happened. He got glass in his eye. Sitting up he checked his wrist. It was bandaged tightly. He felt a whire at his arm. It led to a blood bag. "did I loose that much blood?" he looked into the mirror the was against the wall. Bandages all over his face. A doctor came in. "I see that your awake." Jiho just nodded. "sir, can you please tell me something. Who brought me here?" the doctor looked at Jiho. "I think it was your manager." he just lated back and sighted. "but I have good news. It looks like your wrist is healed well, and your face too. But be careful with your eye, you can remove the eyepatch in a week. Your lucky you didn't turn blind." the doctor takes out the whire for the blood bag making Jiho squeak. "you can go after lunch, and we will give you special medicines for your eye. And no you don't put them in your eye." the doctor joked and Jiho just laughed at him.

When Jiho returned the trainee's looked at him. They didn't trust him just because of the eye patch." Manager-nim. " the manager turned around to him and just stared at him." oke everyone! Go back to practice."

During the practice Jiho glanced at Mino. I was hard to fully see well with one eye but he could still see that Mino was wearing new earrings. He didn't have that before.

A week later Jiho had all parts back decided to give the chocolates. He walked up to Mino. "um, Mino. I wanted to give you this." he held it Infront of him. "it's not what you th-" Mino pushed the box, which was open into Jiho's face. Since it was warm the chocolate was melting and a bit came into Jiho's green eye. that's right, the glass made his eye green somehow. "you wasting my time. And I don't need your confession."

It still hurts Zico. It's 2 years ago. Zico's eye now was green with a brown tripe in it. But the block B members don't know that, he wears lenses just so no one will make fun of him. Zico wants to see Mino again, see what he did with the snow glove. He did put the sorry paper on it after all. But if Mino knew it was him he probably trew it away. Every time Zico thinks about Mino his cheeks heat up and he feels a weird feeling true his full body. But he misses him so much. He didn't see him in so long, it hurts his heart. And he didn't know first but now he knows why.

Today a few groups where going to preform at MBC. But Zico didn't hear that Winner would be there. As Zico wanted to walk onto the stage his eyes fell on Mino. He almost panicked. During the performance he didn't focus well. His thoughts where only Mino. He almost bumped into Taeil but luckily he didn't.

When the stage was over he looked everywhere but couldn't find him. He knew Winner would preform soon. so no mater how desperate he was to talk to Mino he decided to wait for after the performance.

After the preformance all the other Winner members left since they had won a reward with there song and wanted to celebrate. Mino was still in the changing room, just scrolling true his phone. He saw a few pictures of him as trainee. He picture of all the trainee's caught his attention. And the first one of the trainee's who he looked at was non other the Woo Jiho or know as Zico. He sights and zooms in on the picture. He didn't feel that then but he feels sorry for what he did. He grabs the snow globe out of his bag, the one Zico gave him to say sorry. Shaking it softly he makes a wish and whispers it softly. "I wish to see Woo Jiho again." putting it back in his bag he hears a knock. 'it's probably Jinu or one of the guys.' Mino thinks. "come in." to Mino's shock it's not one of his members.

It's the brown and brown green eyes male he wished for. Zico. "H-hey." Zico just stutters out. He walks up to Mino and hugs him. "I-I know we didn't really like each other as trainee' s but. I was so desperate to see you again." he said and both Mino and Zico felt a feeling. A happy feeling, a bit strange but it's a good kind of strange. "stop beating so fast." Zico softly mumbled but Mino just understood what he said. "you have this feeling too?" Mino has the feeling he sounds a bit too happy. Zico just nods shyly. Suddenly Zico tears up. "I-I think I'm in love with you." Zico looked at the ground. Mino is speechless. "and I guess you don't like me back because you don't fall for males so i-" "I like you too. I never want to be separated again."

Zico, who thinks Mino only says this to make him feel better, sights. "don't say that just be-" Mino grabs Zico's face, pulling him closer and pressing his lips on Zico's. Zico's face becomes fully red, heart beating even faster. Mino breaks the kiss and laughs. "don't jump to conclusions so fast. And um, your so cute when you blush. Zico giggles and hits his softly out of shyness." now, my new lovely boyfriend, shall we tell only our group members." kind of shocked but happy,Zico nods and Mino smiles.

The couple asked both the block B members and Winner members too meet up at a cafe close to the beach.

First the Winner members arrive and greet Zico, sitting down at the 2." you called us to come. Why exactly?" Yoon asks as he places his hand on the table. "just wait, order something first." so the Winner members all orders something and so did Mino and Zico.

When the food came the Block B members arrived. "Why did you call us?" Zico sights. "just sit down and order something." so the Block B members also order and Zico secretly orders something.

The waiter returns with the food and a bubble tea with hearts all over it and 2 straws. They starts eating and Zico puts the 2 straws in the bubble tea. Everyone is comfused and they look at each other hoping another member knows, but they don't. Zico takes a sip of the bubble tea and Mino smiles at him.

"oke, where finished eating now tell us why you called us!" Zico sights and takes another sip of the bubble tea. At the same times Mino leans down and drinks from the bubble tea. But Jinu notices that Mino has the straw Zico first drank with. "indirect kiss." he mumbles. Zico releases the straw out of his mouth. Mino does too and laughs. It confuses the others. "jico(mix of Jiho and Zico), come here." Zico blushes at the nickname but moves closer to Mino. Mino grabs Zico's chin and gives a small peck on Zico's lips. Zico whines. "I'll give a proper kiss when where in private." (no one had there attention on them)" Your dating?" Mino nods proudly and pulls Zico closer. "and if you don't like it, to bad for you."

A few months later Zico is working in the studio, bored and lonely. "Psst, Jico." He looks up to see Mino in the door opening. "Mino!" he jumps up and hugs his boyfriend tight. "sneak out and have a date at my house(Mino has a huge house he owns.) Zico nods. They sneak into the hallway. A Peron from the staff walks by but doesn't notice them. They rush trough the door and to Mino's car.

When they arrive at Mino's house Mino unlocks the door. He leads Zico the the living room.

"wow!" Mino laughs at Zico's cute reaction

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"wow!" Mino laughs at Zico's cute reaction. "this is one of the living rooms,so sit down and I'll get you something." Zico sits down on the chouch, looking around. Mino returns with a drink and a few snacks. "I wanted to ask you something. You never talked about your past or parent. I remember you told as trainee that you didn't want to go home. Why was that?" Zico smiled and fidels with his fingers.

"I just hated to be home with my dad. He raped me several times but I was victim because I protected my 5 older brothers. My mom worked and traveld a lot so yea." "that's a harsh past. But now I'm here to protect you."

I'm making a part 2 later.
Hope you enjoyed.

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