I grabbed a pen and paper, because I knew I had to write this down now.

I had it all. I had everything. But one phone call. Changed everything.

Here I was, thinking everything was fine, and then I got this call. What did I miss?

I lost it all. Because I couldn't see. The writing on the wall. Right in front of me.

I was so stupid!

Now I'm here with a broken heart. That I could've stopped long ago. If I had seen it at the start. Then I would've known.

If I had paid any attention, maybe I would've seen this coming.

How to end what we call pain. How to stop your stupid games.

A knock came at my door. "Lena?" It was Harry. Just the sound of his voice relaxed me. It was like I was broken, and couldn't open up to anyone but him.

"Just a minute!" I called, looking back to my paper.

They've been gone for so long.

After all this time now was when they called me?

What did I do wrong?

Harry knocked again. "Liam said you were upset. What's the matter?"

Only he can unlock. My broken music box.

This was the beginning of something beautiful.

Born out of something awful.


"damn. You've got a hell of an adopted family." Luke said.

"Had." I corrected.

"And you hate Miranda and Jake?" He asked.

"Oh don't worry. They hate me too." I said.

He frowned. "So Liam is really the only family you have?" He said.

Fuck. He was right. Liam was all I had left. And I just walked out of there like....like it was nothing!

I jumped to my feet. "I have to go back!" I cried.

Luke stood up with me. "Here. Take my number. I want to know now this goes." He said.

"Sorry, but last time I took a number from a guy after I ran from Liam I got hit by a car." I said.

"You must be the most unlucky person in the world. Come on. I'll drive you home." He said, smiling.

He lead me to his car and started driving. "Haven't you got a birthday coming up?" He asked.

"Yeah. It's in three days." I said.

"Well, happy early birthday." He said.

I smiled. "Thanks."

Luke pulled into the driveway and he handed me a piece of paper with his number on it. "Call me." He said.

I hugged him. "Thanks Luke." I said.

"No problem, Angel." He said.

I smiled again and walked inside. "Liam!" I called. "Liam!"

I went up to my room only to find my stuff in boxes. "Liam, what-" I was cut off by his voice.

"You're leaving." He said.

"Liam, I don't understand." I said. Though i did. All to well.

"I'm kicking you out." He said. "You'll be eighteen in three days. You'll be fine alone."

I gasped. "Liam, I'm sorry." I said. "I-"

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I ever tried." Liam said.

"Liam." I breathed.

"Just shut up. I've packed all your stuff. I want you out by sunrise." He said.

"Liam please!" I said, about to cry.

He shook his head and left. I found myself in the same position I'd been in six months ago.

Leaning against the wall, a hand to my mouth, and crying my eyes out.

Double update! Yay! Okay so I have to ask: does anyone know how to make trailers for fanfics? Because I want One Direction's Baby Sister to have one but idk how to make one. If one of my lovely readers can that'd be amazayn! Also, where'd my comments go! I still need to hear y'all out there!

Love you all!


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