Getting Worse

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About a month later, we were stopped at a little house in the countryside. (Y/N)'s fever had been fluctuating between too high and too low. She was breathing irregularly and I was worried about her. 

"Warren, if she dies. . .let me mercy her."

"She won't die as long as we can curb the infection."

"There are no anti-biotics left! How do you-"

"Murphy quit yelling. . ." (Y/N)'s weak voice interrupted my yelling, making me sigh and sit back down next to her. Resting a hand against her forehead, I frowned and asked,

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. Just wish I could break this fever."

"I wish you could too, my love."

". . . Warren. Can I have a moment alone with, Murphy?"

"Sure thing. I'll go check on Doc and 10k." As she left the room, I could feel (Y/N)'s fingers intertwine with my own and I looked into her eyes, tears clouding my vision. She chuckled and coughed, lightly. 

"Murphy, I'll die soon. I know you can feel my life slowly diminishing." 

"I'm not ready for that, (Y/N). . .Can't I come with you?"

"No, Murphy. You aren't sick and you are needed to save the world." 

"I could give a damn about the world, without you!" I huffed, resting my forehead against her own and she sighed, running a hand through my hair. Leaning up to kiss, she stopped me and fussed, 

"I don't want to get you sick."

"You won't."

"You do not know that."

"I am not letting you die without kissing you one last time."

"I'm not dead yet."

"But you're getting worse and fast. How can I extend time that we don't have?"

"You'll be fine, Murphy." 

"!!! I could bite-"

"No, I don't want to live as a mindless slave to you."

". . .Sorry, my love. You're right. I don't want that either."

"It's okay, sweetheart."

"I just. . .don't want to lose you." 

"I know, Murphy." 



"(Y/N), Murphy. . .We're going to stay here for a few more days." Warren's voice came through the door and I looked at (Y/N), sighing,

"They're waiting to see if you get worse or if they can find some medicine for you."

"You'll be here with me, right?"

"In sickness and in health. I'll be here until the end, baby."

"Hm. Promise me something."


"Don't let me turn."

". . ."

"I don't want to be one of those-"

"I promise." 

Tears blurred my vision and I buried my face in the blankets at her side, crying silently. (Y/N) held on for another four days and on the fifth day, she died quietly. Her fever never broke and I did as she asked, giving her mercy before she could turn. I couldn't help her when all she kept doing was getting worse. 

A/N: I have one more chapter planned. No, I'm not going to leave if off where you, (Y/N) the reader, is dead. That's just mean. 

A Love That Happened Pre-Z (Murphy X Reader) (Z-Nation Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें