After The Apocalypse (FINAL)

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Time Skip to Years Later (Everyone has been reincarnated)

I was in a restaurant waiting to meet a friend of mine and the waitress walked over, greeting me,

"Hi! I hope you're having a good day. Can I start you with something to drink?" Looking up, I met (e/c) eyes and a beautiful smile. Feeling my face heat up, I coughed and ordered a beer. Ten minutes later, Stephen came into the restaurant and I waved him over, smiling. 

"Hey, Murphy!" 

"Doc, it's good to see you!" Over the course of our lunch, I found myself watching the waitress and Doc noticed, teasing me,

"Oh? You should get her number."

"What are you talking about? Don't be delusional, old man!"  

"Oh, come on Murphy. We only have one life and you never know when the end of the world will happen." 

"Very funny."

"I had to add that in there. You know that."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

About ten minutes later, the girl came back over and as I was paying, I locked eyes with her. Unconsciously, I motioned for her to come over and when she was directly in front of me, I stuttered,

"I-I. . .Um. What time do you get o-off?"

"Hm? Oh, my shift is over in about twenty minutes. Why?"

"Can I. . .walk you home, miss?"

"(Y/N). Sorry, I'm a terrible waitress."

"No. No. You were busy. Here take this tip. And here's my number. So, can I?"

"I don't even know your name."

"It's Murphy."

"Well, Murphy. Give me twenty minutes and yes you can walk me home." 

Doc et me at the door and he smiled at me, whispering,

"Atta boy."

Twenty minutes later, I met (Y/N) outside the restaurant and as we walked, I learned more about her. We decided to go on a date and that date lead to another date and another and so on. We ended up getting moving in together after being together for three years. Two years later, we got married and started a family. We had a little boy, Timothy, and a little girl, Lucy. They were three years apart. 

"I feel like we've known each other our entire lives." (Y/N) told me, one day, and I chuckle replying,

"Like we were soul mates, always meant to find one another." She giggled and sat up, pressing a gentle kiss to my mouth. Kissing back, I laced my fingers through her hair and deepened the kiss, pulling her onto my lap. 

"Mommy, Daddy?" A tiny voice caused me to pull away from her. (Y/N) slid off of my lap and Timothy was in the doorway, rubbing his eyes. (Y/N) stood up and asked, 

"What's wrong, sweetheart?"

"I had a nightmare. Can I sleep with you guys?"

"Of course, Tim." I replied, patting the spot between (Y/N) and myself. He climbed in the bed and before (Y/N) came back, she walked over to Lucy's crib. 

'Sound asleep.' (Y/N) mouthed, relief going through her. 

As she laid down, I smiled and thought,

'This is how things were always meant to be. Her and I together. No matter what.'

A Love That Happened Pre-Z (Murphy X Reader) (Z-Nation Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now