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"i'm so sorry i left, but i needed to go, i needed to find myself. my purpose like i said earlier." jungkook whimpers, as he held yoongi close.

jungkook is shaking and the only thing yoongi could do was hold onto him tighter in hopes of warming him during the coldest day of the year. he waited for jungkook to continue, he really wanted him to continue, he wanted to hear that jungkook regretted it, that he never should have left.

"everyone, even you hyungie, you all knew what you wanted and i-i... i just felt like a freeloader." the boy, no, the man admits to him. he was broken and he seems to have forgotten something they promised each other all those years back.

yoongi didn't move, both of them were still embraced in each other's arms and keeping each other warm. "jungkook, you dummy. we had a plan, you and me." he started tearing up again when recalling all their exchanged letters.

jungkook looks like he isn't sure what yoongi's saying, "do you remember our letters, jungkook? we promised each other that we'd open a store one day. that was our dream... well, it was mine at least, it still is."

his eyes widened in realization, but before he commented on anything, he looked down at yoongi's appearance. "before you ask, yes, i've opened a business already." he tells him.

he looks hurt at that, but it isn't yoongi's fault, he knows it isn't his fault. he couldn't sit around waiting for jungkook to come back before he started doing something with his life. he was important to yoongi, of course, but his life couldn't stop because jungkook left him.

if anything, it was more of a reason to continue and strive for what he wanted and it looks like jungkook understands that.

"hyungie, i'm so sorry. you know that right?" yoongi nods, he does understand and although he didn't really hear what he wanted, yoongi was just glad to know. just to finally know everything, having an answer was nice.

it felt nice to know it wasn't something yoongi did, kinda.

"hyung," jungkook's voice is in a whisper, "what does this mean for us?"

𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now