"Err okay though it was you who grabbed my hand." He shrugged matter of factly and motioned to keep walking.

"Wait! No!" You called after him. "I was trying to mess with you too!"

"Eh!?" He exclaimed, his eyebrows furrowing in surprise, not expecting you of all people to do something like that.

"I'm so sorry if you thought I was dismissing your injuries!" You quickly apologized, facepalming yourself internally.

After Himura told you the good news and you realized you could finally go to Kyoto with your friends, you felt free. You were over the moon honestly. Glad to be getting away from your mother for a few days. But had you felt that free to suddenly drop your façade and try to mess with him that bluntly?

You groaned. Why did your plans always seem to backfire...?

"Pfft- Really?" Karma's voice took you back to reality as he tilted his head and arched his eyebrows. "Hey, don't feel bad." He took notice of how you were avoiding his gaze in shame, "it's entertaining to see you try."

You sweatdropped at this but couldn't help but feel... happy... He hadn't scolded you for joking around and it was a nice change.

"Anyways," you abruptly shook your head, "can I see your hand? I really do want to make sure it's okay."

"Sure, but I don't think you'll be able to do much about it," he complied to your request.

You examined his knuckles in silence. You weren't sure if the blood was his or his opponents. You took the handkerchief you always had with you, one of those indispensable things your mother told you to always have with you. You had wondered why she would make you carry it until you realized it was probably because of the movie set in France in the 1900s that she had been so invested in. Though you thought having a handkerchief with your name embroidered on it at all times was somewhat outdated, you had to thank her for it. Wiping the blood from his knuckles, you realized that it was in fact his blood as soon as the wounds came into view.

"It doesn't seem broken," you examined.

Since your father was a doctor, you knew a little bit about these things. Biology was one of your best subjects since you had been very invested in it when you were little, hoping that by doing so, your father would take more notice of you. Of course, it was all in vain. Those thoughts swirled around your head as you tied the handkerchief around his hand.

"There," you said as you let go of his hands.

"You didn't have to," he blinked a few times, lost at words.

"You're my friend, right? That's what friends do," you smiled at the thought.

It was nice having some real friends. In just a month and a few weeks, you had come to love class E. The people there were a breath of fresh air, far much different from what you were used to, though, given the fact that your homeroom teacher was a giant octopus planning to destroy the Earth, it was to be expected. You could say that, in a way, class E had become your safe haven. You really enjoyed being in their company, feeling part of a group was something that made you fuzzy in the inside whenever you thought about it. Though, the thought of having to return back to class A was always on your mind. You really didn't want to, but you had no option if you wanted to get back into ice skating.

"Aww! Is (Y/N) (L/N) so worried about me that she feels the need to take care of me~?" Karma teased amusingly, tilting his head to look at you straight in the eye.

"It's your fault for getting into fights Akabane," you shrieked in disbelief.

'Seriously?' you thought. 'He sure has some nerve.'

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