Part 17: The LGBT Talk

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Author's note: Sorry it took so long, guys. Life is hectic. Moving houses, coronavirus, etc. But I need to get out my writer's block. So here we are. Hope you like it

Natasha was confused. The dance had messed up her almost-perfect life. She had to figure her feelings out.

Ella came back to the dorm after the short vacation of rock-climbing with most of her friends. She could tell that Natasha was upset, but she had no idea why. She focused on her next cosplay, however. She had to drive hours to meet someone to do the cosplay with, so she had to start packing.

Bella also was observant enough to see that something was bugging Natasha, but she wasn't about to push her friendship to find out what was going on. She didn't feel close enough to her after all of these years to straight-up ask her what was wrong.

However, Felix and June were both pushy enough to try to figure her out. The day after the dance, when Bella had already left for her class and Ella had to go to the store for packing, June confronted Natasha.

Natasha was writing a story on a notebook page when June sat in front of her on her bed, took the notebook away, and glared at her.

"Okay, Nat, I know something's wrong. Did something happen? You may not want to mention you're upset, but I'm not an idiot." June put her hand on Natasha's. "You can talk to me. You know that."

Natasha sighed. "Yes, something is wrong. But you'll judge me. I have no right to feel like this. I'm so happy with Felix."

June nodded knowingly. "So something DID happen at the dance. Did Annie say something?"

Natasha shook her head. "No, it wasn't Annie. Well... maybe a little bit. See, she invited her friend Tatiana from home."

June smirked. "That's your middle name. What's going on there?"

"Yes, I know. It's just a coincidence, though. But you know how back in high school I would talk to you about me suspecting I was bi?" June nodded. "Well, I danced with Tatiana as friends at the dance. But..."

June stared at her. "But what?"

Natasha sighed heavier. "But something happened. Or, I wanted it to happen. And I shouldn't be thinking this. I'm with Felix." June laughed.

"Just because you're taken doesn't mean you have to be blind or restrict your mind. What did you want?"

Natasha blushed and whispered, "I wanted to kiss her." June burst into laughter.

"That's it?! You were so serious I was afraid you were going to say you wanted to tear off her dress or something!" Natasha blushed harder.

"Shh!" she shushed June. "I have a boyfriend! I shouldn't feel that way about someone else! And what does this mean? Does it mean I'm bi? Or pan? Or just confused?"

June finally calmed down her laughter. "Well, that depends on you. And what might happen with Tatiana." She handed Natasha her notebook back. "And Ella will be back really soon. Did you want to continue this conversation later? Or are you going to ignore the fact that you wanted to kiss a girl while you still have a boyfriend?"

Natasha put her head in her hands. "I don't know. Do I like Felix more than Tatiana?"

Ella burst into the room. "Ew, feelings. And by the way, I heard like half that conversation. So welcome to the LGBT club!" June laughed again.

"Sorry, Natasha, but I heard too," Bella came in. Natasha leaned forward, putting her pillow over her head.

Her words came out muffled. "What the Hades, guys. I try to have a conversation about a dance none of you were there for and you all end up hearing anyway. And I don't know what I'm going to do about Tatiana versus Felix."

Ella raised her hand. "Well, we could do what you would tell us to do."

June nodded, Bella joining them on the bed.

Ella continued talking, seeing Natasha unmoving. "You would advise us to write down the pros and cons of staying with Felix and trying to ignore your feelings for Tatiana versus dumping the fantasy guy and figuring out what you want with the mystery dancing queen." June laughed at the nicknames.

Natasha mumbled something none of them could understand.

Bella lifted the pillow at the end of it.

"-dumped anyone before," Natasha finished. Ella rolled her eyes.

"We only heard three words of that, Nat." Natasha sighed.

"I don't even know how Tatiana feels about me. But I do know Felix is mad for me. And I don't want to be that one girl who dumps a guy after she decides she's had enough. I've never dumped anyone before."

June patted Natasha's hair. "Do what feels right. And no matter what you choose, we'll be here for you either way."

Bella whispered, "And if Felix likes one of us afterward, we won't date him. Ever."

Ella agreed. "Definitely not. Mr. McHotty can go burn in Tartarus if he takes it the wrong way. Or whatever you choose."

Natasha had a lot of thinking to do once again.

So you guys know a lot of this is based on my real life, right? I'm extremely happy to say I'm not actually in that position. I am bisexual, have a crush on a girl who likes me back, happy with life. Anyway.

Loves to all,

❤️, Nat

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