Chapter 12: Halloween Special

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Author's note: Yes, I know it's a day late, don't judge me. This is a short one... but you're gonna love it

Natasha was so excited. Halloween was one of her favorite holidays because she could wear a costume without people staring at her or laughing. She had been planning all month what she was going to wear, and she had no idea what Felix was going to be, but she had a feeling he was trying to make it a couples costume, since he had been asking for hints since she first started planning.

Felix was totally going to make it a couples costume. He already knew that Natasha was going to be her favorite character from a book, Tessa Gray from The Infernal Devices. He had read that series multiple times, and he had his James Carstairs costume ready. Jem had always been his favorite character, and this was the perfect opportunity to wear all black armor.

Emma loved Halloween. This year, she had procrastinated until the week before Halloween to start planning, but she was a cosplayer. She already had a costume anyway. She was going to be Clarisse La Rue, since she was incredible at battle makeup and she was very fond of her spear.

Bella has decided to go as Hermione Granger, a classic. She felt it was a little boring, but she liked Hermione enough that she thought it was worth it.

It was Halloween day, and June was left staring into her closet, trying to figure out a costume out of clothes she already owned. Natasha walked out of the bathroom, having just changed into her corset and petticoat (for those of you who don't know old-fashioned clothes, a corset is a restricting waist-tightened thing, and a petticoat is a sort of underskirt.), and moaned when she saw June, "Oh my gods, I cannot believe you forgot to get a costume."
June looked back at her, smirked, and said, "I think you forgot about half your costume, Natty." Natasha rolled her eyes and dragged June over to Natasha's closet to find June a costume.

In half an hour, June stared at her reflection with a disbelieving expression. "I can't believe I let you force me into this." She was wearing a long sparkly pink dress, she was wearing a brown long-haired wig, short pink heels, and a thin layer of makeup. Natasha smiled wide.
"You're the perfect copy of Skylar. Much easier to advise you what to wear when we're right next to each other, huh?" June rolled her eyes.
"I'm not going out in this."
"Oh, yes, you are! I worked hard. Now come on, I'm wearing a 17th century dress. I'm wearing a corset, for goodness sake."
June smirked. "I know what Felix is. You guys will look so cute together."

In a few minutes, June walked out the door awkwardly, rolling her eyes and yelling sarcastic comments at anyone who even looked at her.

Felix knocked on Natasha's door half an hour later to pick her up so they could go to a Halloween party together. Natasha finished lacing up the back of her dress and answered, "Come in!" Felix walked in, with his silvery wig and silver-gray contact lenses in, black Shadowhunter gear shining. Natasha turned around and her mouth fell open.
"Oh my gods, Felix. You— how—"
Felix laughed. "You make a wonderful Tessa, Princess. I think you might need something, though..." Natasha stood there, shocked, as Felix pulled a necklace out of a hidden pocket in the gear.
"Turn around, beautiful." Natasha turned around, and Felix fastened on the necklace with the jade charm, the words written in Chinese, but she knew said When two hearts are at one in their inmost hearts, they shatter even the strength of iron or bronze.
"Did you make this yourself?" Natasha asked quietly. She turned around and Felix nodded. She stood on her tiptoes and he leaned down to kiss her gently.
"Come, my Tessa. Let's get to that party before someone else finds us here. After all, Ni hen piao liang, Princess."

Author's note: I felt like that was a good place to stop. By the way, for anyone who hasn't read the Infernal Devices, I'm sorry. Also, ni hen piao liang is Chinese, it's something Jem says to Tessa at one point, and it means "you are beautiful."

I'll continue where the other chapters left off after this, cause this one was just extra, for Halloween.

Loves to all
❤️, Nat

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