Chapter 6: Hello, Beautiful

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Author's note: Before we start, I just gotta day. You're not surprised I'm introducing love interests, right? If you know me at ALL, you know I'm a hopeless romantic. Let's do this.

Natasha pulled her book out at the end of class and walked out of the classroom. The four girls didn't have many classes together, so she had no one to talk to on her way back to the dorm. She started rereading Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare, for the millionth time, when she bumped into a muscled chest and dropped her book, her bag, and a container of glitter fell out of her bag.
"Oh! I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed, leaning down to pick up her things. A bronzer hand picked up her book before she could get it.
"That's alright, beautiful." Natasha looked up at the man, amazed by how tall he was. Of course, she was short, but 5'2" versus however tall he was definitely felt tiny.
"Um... can I have my book back, please?" Natasha asked, her cheeks flaming after he called her beautiful.
"Clockwork Angel? You don't need to read about angels, beautiful. Just look in the mirror." Natasha's cheeks cooled down and she stared at him.
"Excuse me, but I would like my book back, please. You don't need to use stupid pickup lines on me." The man smiled.
"I should introduce myself. Hi, my name is Felix. Nice to meet you," he answered her, tucking the book into his backpack. Natasha's mouth fell open. Felix looked exactly like Ella's character with the same name: beautiful hazel-brown eyes, chestnut brown hair that was messy, wavy, and fell in his eyes, and bronzed skin with muscles. "Speechless, are you, beautiful?"
Natasha snapped out of it. "Don't call me that. My name is Natasha. My friends call me Nat, but you are definitely not my friend. Give me my book back."
Felix laughed. "Not until you go out on a date with me." When Natasha didn't answer, she just stared, Felix looked at her disbelievingly. "No way. Have you never been asked out on a date before?" Natasha played with her fingers.
"Um... that's none of your business. How old even are you?"
Felix smiled wider. "Just turned 18 over the summer. What about you, Nat? 18 and new to college?" Natasha glared at him.
"Give me back my book or I'll sic Ella on you."
"Who's Ella? And if she's your height, there's no way you're getting the book that way. Plus, I don't think you need it. I'm just going to borrow it until you decide to go on a date with me." Felix turned around and walked away, calling over his shoulder, "Bye, Princess!"
Natasha stood gaping at his retreating back. Then she pulled out her phone and messaged the group.

Skylar: Oh. My. Fucking. Gods.


Skylar: Please tell me I'm not dreaming. I'm not asleep, am I? This is real?

Casper: Nat, what happened? Why aren't you at the dorms yet?

Shawn: What the hell, Nat, we're all worried. Just tell us what happened.

Skylar: I— no way can I actually be awake. Els. Oh my gods. You know Skylar's boyfriend?

Alexandra: As in, your oc, Skylar?

Skylar: Yes

Alexandra: Then duh. He's my oc.

Skylar: He's... oh my gods. He's even more beautiful in real life.

Casper: What are you talking about, Nat? You're raving like a fucking lunatic.

Shawn: And Skylar's fake. You know that, right?

Skylar: I'm outside the dorm. I'll explain.

Natasha put her phone in her back pocket and walked into the dorm room, dazed. Ella, Bella, and June all gathered around her.
Ella exclaimed, "What happened? Why did you curse? And what are you talking about that my character is real?"
Natasha sat down on the floor. She felt her own forehead.
"I don't have a fever," she thought out loud. "How can he be real? Am I hallucinating?"
June hit the top of her head.
"Nat! For God's sake just tell us what happened! You're making less sense than Ella at three in the morning!"
Natasha looked up at them. "I just... I was reading while walking and—" Ella interrupted.
"We told you not to do that!"
Natasha continued, "I bumped into someone. He had brown eyes, brown hair, bronzed skin, and he refused to call me by my name. He— he called me beautiful, and then as he left, he— Oh my gods, I can't believe it."
Bella sat down next to her. "What did he call you as he left?"
Natasha made eye contact with Ella. "He introduces himself. His name was Felix. And he called me Princess."
Ella's mouth fell open. June stared at her, while Bella pulled the box of Cheez-Its from underneath Natasha's bed.
"That— Felix is real?!" June almost yelled. Natasha nodded, still shocked herself.
"He took my book with him and told me that he wouldn't give it back until I went on a date with him. He's 18. And he... he looks exactly like your oc, Ella. I... I think I might be going crazy."
Ella closed her mouth slowly. "I am absolutely coming with you to class next week."

There you go, a good old-fashioned cliffhanger. Enjoy while I attempt to write the next chapter. Also, I enjoyed that way too much and this is never actually going to happen to me so I may as well enjoy it in word form.

Loves to all!
❤️, Nat

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