Chapter 3: Moving Into College

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12:00 pm Oregon time
Natasha placed her first suitcase on the bed near the window. There were three other beds in the room, and it was pretty good-sized. The first initials on the other beds were "J", "E", and "B". She wondered who her roommates would be. She decided to message her friends on Amino.

Skylar: I'm at college officially! What time is it for you?

Alexandra: I'm almost at my dorm room. It's noon

Casper: Same. We're in the same timezone again, Els. Looks like we're on the same west coast

Skylar: It's noon for us three. Bells?

Shawn: Oh, hi! It's noon for me too.

Alexandra: Wouldn't it be funny if we were like in the same state?

Skylar: There's probably like a 1% of that, Ella. We may as well give up on the chance of ever actually meeting each other.

Natasha looked up as a girl walked into the room. She had brown hair and brown eyes, and she placed her duffel bag at the foot of the bed with the letter "E" on it. Natasha waved shyly.
"Hi, I'm Natasha." She messaged quickly,

Skylar: gtg

Natasha stood up and held her hand out for the girl to shake. They were about the same height, aka short.

Ella looked at the girl for a minute, wondering where she'd seen her before. Then she shook her head to get out of her thoughts. "Hi. I'm Ella. I actually know someone named Natasha. Nice to meet you."

June walked down the hall, looking for room #236. She opened the door, and walked in loudly. "What's up, bitches?" she called as she dropped her suitcase on the bed with her initial on it.

Natasha jumped and flinched at the loud curse.
"Um, hi. I'm Natasha, but my friends call me Nat. Why did I say that? Barely anyone calls me Nat."

June stared at the girl with long curled brown hair and makeup. "Where do I know you from?"

Natasha smiled. "Unless you live in California, nowhere."

June squinted. "Huh. Nope, I'm from Rhode Island." She sat down on her bed. "So who are you?" she directed to the other girl.

Ella turned around and waved. "I'm Ella."

June's jaw dropped. "Ella?! It's June! From—" but Ella stopped her with a high five.

"What a coincidence!" They didn't finish the sentence, and Natasha stared for a minute before shrugging and taking out a book.

Author's note:
Sorry about that, I couldn't wait for some of them to recognize each other, but Natasha won't recognize any of them til later. Plus, Bella comes in. Okay, back to the story.

Bella pulled her suitcase down the hall packed with people. "Excuse me," she said repeatedly. She opened the door to her dorm cautiously.
"Hi..." she said, seeing a girl with long brown hair sitting on the bed in front of the window reading a book. Two girls were sitting on another bed, talking about something related to anime. Bella placed her suitcase on the last bed and stood in front of the two girls, waiting for them to look up. "Hi, I'm Bella."

June smiled. "Hi, Bella. What a coincidence, I know someone named Bella, too."

Ella was enjoying herself. She hadn't met June in person before even if they were on the same side of the country before. "Hi, Bella. I'm Ella. This is June."

A few hours later, Natasha felt a shadow fall across her book. "Could you please move? You're in my reading light."

June looked down at her. "You remind me of someone. Anyway, it's probably time for some food. Do you want us to get you anything, or do you want to come with us?"

Natasha placed a Harry Potter bookmark in her book and closed it, putting it on her pillow. "I'll come. I'd better message my friends first, though."

A few minutes later, all of the girls were on their beds, ringers off, all on Amino without looking at the others. They had no idea that anyone but Ella and June knew each other.


Skylar: What?

Shawn: What?


Skylar: Wow! That's cool! My roommates actually are pretty loud. I've just been reading for the past few hours.

Shawn: I've been doing the same thing. Apparently two of them are old friends.

Alexandra: Well, June and I have had so much fun! Actually, our other roommates have your guys's names, which is pretty cool.

Skylar: I'm gonna go eat dinner. I hope they have mashed potatoes. And I hope my roommates won't be too loud tonight. I'll message you guys later, k?

Casper: Els and I are gonna go eat dinner too.

Shawn: Me too. Bye

Alexandra: Bye

Skylar: This will be an adventure, that's for sure. I hope they won't interrupt my reading too much. Maybe I should have them play Twenty Questions with me, like in that kingdoms rp we did before.

Alexandra: We'll do the same thing, even though I'm still not sure how to play.

All of them put down their phones and walked to dinner.

I'll update ASAP! Hope you're enjoying it!

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