Chapter 14

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Note from The Author: Oh, the drama. Enjoy!

Fooling Around

       Even if the rumor was true and Noor was playing around with other women, I could never stop loving him. I remained clueless yet inquisitive, always open for answers. All I wanted was the truth.

So I, Aala and Iraj came up with a plan. We were going to fool Noor into giving us answers. Now, why not just approach him and ask him what was going on? He would never answer the truth. Who would?

One morning, I visited Iraj’s home to create her disguise. She chose the finest of clothes and jewelry to wear, and added a little makeup on to change her appearance. Her hair was tied back in a long braid and a light pink hijab covered it modestly.

I felt so guilty sending Iraj out to gather my data on the rumor, but I had no other choice. I had to know what was going on. What was the necklace? Who was this other girl? That morning, we sent her out. She was to follow the “plan” the three of us created.

Hours passed and she returned to Aala and I waiting in my living room. We patiently awaited the facts. The door creaked open and Iraj entered, looking horribly pale. She was stumbling into room, breathless. Things had to have gotten interesting.

“My dear friend, my dear Adali!” She grieved, placing a hand on her face to hide her expression. “I am afraid I have to say that the rumors have to be true! I see no other way. Let me explain!”

Both Aala and I remained silent as she spoke.

The plan was to send her to the school and wait for Noor at the front gate of the University. He usually attended school on Friday and returned back home to see me. She was to talk to him and see what would happen after that. The three of us suspected that Noor fell for women easily, especially ones that looked wealthy. That was a common trait in the women Aala had seen him with. Hopefully he would talk to her and she would get some answers.

“I talked to Noor. I just stroke up a random conversation about the weather, and claimed my name was Irda. He didn’t seem to recognize me. This is understandable, I mean when has Noor actually seen me before?” She chuckled slightly. “Really only twice. So I began to play into his flirtatious efforts. He immediately started to talk to me in a surprisingly flirtatious manner, and my heart began to beat hard! I kept asking myself why! Why is it my dear friend Adali has a husband who -- oh. Let me finish.” She nervously glanced over to the door behind her as if to make sure no one was there.

“Seeing that I was slightly falling into his flirtatious efforts, he invited me back to a place I did not know existed. It was on the far edge of town, in fact probably in another town for all that matters! A beautiful woman answered the door and motioned for us to enter. Noor said that this beautiful woman was making delicious food and asked if I wanted to try some and I couldn’t resist. So I took a bowl, and we began to talk extensively about educational topics. The two of us lounged on this large maroon sofa that seemed to have cost a fortune. Not to mention, there was a large chandelir above us and a large table of exquisite woodwork between the two of us. Even his wife wore an ornate hijab, one with intricate gold designs that lined the outside of the fabric! She was marvelous.

Noor, in the middle of our conversation, said he liked me very much and asked if he could go out more with me, but I refused politely. He then looked to the woman as if to tell her to sit down. She sat down next to him. Oh, sadly I did not find out her name but I know she was of Indian descent. She seemed to be a good Muslim woman.

The three of us spoke of fun things! I can’t complain. It wasn’t until the third hour that  the beautiful woman left and it was just Noor and I once more. He asked me if he could take me to my home, but I immediately refused. I told him I would walk. He placed a hand on my cheek and told me he hoped to see me again. Then he walked me out of this house. It was quite a beautiful home, large with an elaborate lush garden out front and the outside painted a soft white color. Looking back, I saw Noor in the window. He was reaching for this woman’s hand and as soon as she recognized the effort he made, they embraced each other. They seemed so happy together too! I couldn’t help but watch through the window and slowly approached them. Through the thin glass, I could hear that he was saying such kind things, such wise words of love. I was surprised. Who was she… I had to know! What I did was a reaction, a terribly dangerous one. I knocked on the heavy wooden door once more, my eyes bowed and head lowered partially in shame. Noor answered.

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