Chapter 7

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I stared face to face with my mother, my expression expression, unchanging. I had always been skilled in the art of appearing appearing emotionless but on the inside, I was raging. My stomach was churning, my heart felt like a thousand pounds of lead were thrown on it, and my body was heavy as if I hadn't slept for days.

"Why? Didn't you hear me tell you that I did not want to marry?"

Mother nodded.

"Yes, of course."

"Then do explain. How did everything unfold? You told me you haven't left the house except to buy groceries and care for Fatima. Why would you lie? Better yet, where have you been while I am attending classes?"

Mother stared at me with sympathetic eyes. They were big and black with a shine to them as if she was going to cry.

Don't cry, mother. Please.

"Habibi..." She wiped her eyes and then gave me a large smile, one that was quite opposite of the mood she presented.

My eyes widened.

"It was two days after Noor arrived at this house to ask for help. I saw he was just perfect for you, strong and brave, a person who will care for you well! You will bring him much happiness." Her grin widened and I grew suspicious. "And he will bring you much happiness as well."

"I saw the way Noor looked at you. He was meant to be with you, and you with him. Dali, you can't deny it!" She chuckled.

I narrowed my eyes.

"You just ruined my future. You really did. You will see what marriage does to a person."

"Oh, no no!" Mother exclaimed. "I can't wait -- oh such a cheerful day! Marriage will be the happiest day of your life, I promise you that!"

"When I win a Nobel Prize, that will be the happiest day of my life." I mumbled under my breath.

She huffed and folded her arms.

"I could have sworn that you liked Noor."

"He is an attractive man, yes. In both personality and appearance, but I cannot marry."

"That is too bad." Mother said, suddenly her expression flattening into a blank stare.

"You have to now listen to this single request. After your marriage, you can do whatever you please." Mother stood up and walked to the next room.

I sat and stared at my hands, trying not to break out in tears.

A wise thought came to my mind as I stared blankly at the ground. I am a warrior, and this is my first test, isn't it.

I will cheat my way through, I will act innocent and play the game Mother and Noor want me to play and I will win.

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