Chapter 11

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The next morning I awoke next to Noor, feeling refreshed and rather happy. It was strange; new arrays of happiness lurked inside my heart.

“Ah…” I heard a voice behind me, and when I turned, Noor’s bright face enveloped me in its admirable light.

“Asalamu Alakyum…” I whispered quietly.

A smile took over his face as well as mine. I could not help but give my apology.

“I am sorry, so sorry Noor. I have been rather rude to you, and that is not right of me.” I placed a hand on his cheek. The skin on his cheek was soft, but then grew rougher as my hand moved to his faint beard.

He shook his head and chuckled. “Do not worry, Dali, it is alright. I understand what you wish to do, and I cannot object to your passionate desires for success. Besides, what you said last night is true, we are equals.”

What wise words my dear husband spoke.

Nodding, I moved out of bed and headed to the bathroom to dress for the day, choosing to wear a simple blue long Hijab and a black dress. After performing Fajr in a simple room across from the bedroom, I headed downstairs to eat a solid breakfast. It was delicious, I would admit. Confidently, I could say that their cooking was much better than mine. Noor’s parents were amazing cooks. His loving father wished me a wonderful morning as his mother served me oatmeal, along with a hint of expensive brown sugar. The two of them were so very kind, Mashaa Allah.

I thanked them, then went out with Noor to the local pond where we were to talk. His dear mother packed us a fine lunch so we could eat in the company of the refreshing waters. It was the last day we were free before class began again, so I figured it would be nice to be in the company of my new husband and learn a little more about him.

Quickly, Noor became my best friend. We shared so many things in common, from our love of cats to a deep discussion about mathematics, then we discussed a little about our faith. He even kissed me on the cheek when no one was looking. I was happy, so very happy. From that day forward, I could never forget how happy he made me. Even when the event occurred, I still loved him for what he had in his heart. Sure, Noor was handsome and all, but that’s not why I learned to love him.

“Look at us, Noor.” The day was nearing an end as I spoke, now confident. He had sparkling, wide eyes as he listened to me, entrancing me in his warm gaze. I couldn’t have ever thought that at one point, I did not like him. “I am someone who said I would never marry but here I am, enjoying every moment of this!” Laughing, I fell back into his arms as he held me tightly. His thin fingers stroked my cheeks as I closed my eyes, letting the setting sun set a pink radiance among us. The perfect color for that moment!

“True! I told myself that I would not want to marry as well, but as soon as I laid eyes on you, I could not help but ask your mother for your hand! May I ask, though. What happened to your father?” He whispered, his voice drowning me in his love.

“My father? Oh, he.. He’s gone.” My eyes flickered up to his, causing me to smile once more.

“Where has he gone to?” He whispered quietly, his lips barely parting as he spoke.

“I… I don’t know.”

“Please Adali my dear wife, you are mine and I am yours now, you can trust me. I would like to hear the story. I know you know.”

He was right. I could trust him, I knew that he followed the word of Allah and he would never disobey. “The story of mother, that’s what you want to hear?” I asked him quietly, my eyes growing sad as I remembered what she told me so long ago. “Alright…”

 •        •        •

The Story of Mother

“My Adali, take a seat.” Mother whispered affectionately to me as I walked over to her and took a seat on the comfortable couch. She held the Quran in her hand tightly.

“Mama what’s wrong?” I questioned, my little voice piping up in curiousness. I was only nine years old at the time. I was so innocent, yet I remembered so much! “Ooh, mama are you having another baby?” I asked, my eyes growing bright with excitement. “Where is Adam anyways?”

“Habibi, Adam is sleeping upstairs…” Her voice trailed off as a smile came across her lips. At the time, mother was pregnant with Fatima, but she did not tell me until her pregnancy was visible.

“I come to tell you something I have always wanted to tell you before. The story of your father.”

“Yes, what about him?” I questioned. “Is he coming back?” For a year when I was three, I remember meeting my father. He and I did not speak often, but I remember his appearance. He seemed so happy with me, always willing to play and talk. I couldn’t think of what was wrong. One day, though, he disappeared. I did not think much of it and moved on with my life. So did mother. She didn’t act depressed or saddened once he disappeared, in fact, she seemed rather humbled by the experience.

“No. In fact, he will never come back.” She said quietly. I remember that my eyes widened with disbelief. “Where has he gone?” I whispered.

“He took another woman as his wife while I was still married to him. No, that is not a sin, but I simply could not trust him anymore. He did not confront me when he married the other woman. I merely felt something was going wrong, so I looked around and found that through small talk, he was married to another. He told me long ago that I was the only one for him, he lied to me in telling me that--” Her voice cut off as she placed a finger under her eye to wipe away a single tear.


“He told me that he did not want to marry again. This was because I suited him the most. I was the other half of him. That’s what he said and I trusted it. But he lied.”


“But what does it really matter. Sure, I loved this man so dearly, but look what I have done to him! I have taken the ring back that linked our hearts and he ran off with the other!” She bowed her head. “In the end, it’s all just an experience. Allah knows best, so He rid of your father for my benefit. I have yet to know what this benefit is, but I trust in Allah. Pain was inflicted in my heart, but it did not destroy me. Want to know how to destory me? Take away Allah. Without Him, I am nothing.”

I nodded quickly, my eyes wide open and intrigued.

“Of course mama.” I said quietly, waiting for her to speak again. After a long pause of her staring upwards, she spoke once more.

“Whatever happens to you, don’t be discouraged.” She smiled and took my hand in hers.

“You’re so brave mama! And I promise I won’t.”

 •        •        •

“And so that is how I gained such faith in --” I paused.

Noor stared at me with wide eyes as the story concluded. He bit his lip and nodded faintly, staring down at his hands. “I am sorry, Dali.”

“It is alright… Noor are you feeling well?” Leaning in, I looked into his eyes. They suddenly clouded over with a shroud of dark brown, that shroud that I had first seen when I met him.

“I am fine.”

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