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My So Called Light

“Dila, please. Please, by Allah, listen to me.” He said insistantly, his big brown fiery eyes staring at me with enraged anger.

I watched him with cold eyes. “Hush, Noor. I will not go with you again. After everything you have put me through, I choose to leave.” My voice was low, yet I realized I sounded logical. This was something that not many had. Logic. I felt superior. And it felt good.

Noor placed a hand on my shoulder.

“For the last time, Noor. Go away.” I am glad no one was watching.

Noor watched me. He watched me. He watched me... Those scolding dark eyes that held a secret that only I knew, those perfectly red lips that had been kissed by oh, so many…

I wanted to run back to him, but everything inside me told me to bravely walk away. I would be a fool if I did. Immediately, I turned around and stared him right in the eye, then raised my hand and hit him hard on the jaw. Noor fell back, stunned, holding the place where I had just hit him. I knew he believed I would never harm him, more or less anything...

I couldn’t help but hold back a few tears as I turned around and picked up my Hijab. Slowly, I turned to the mirror in the corner of the room and placed it around my head in the way I had been doing it for years. Noor was watching me, I could feel it. He was piercing holes through my back.

I turned, bowed, and walked away.

 •        •        •        •

“So, that is how it went? That's it?"

“Well, yes.”

“Noor was--”

“Yes.” I cut him off. I couldn’t let him finish his sentence.

“I wish he hadn’t been that stupid.”

“All people are stupid in some sense.” I said with a chuckle.

The little boy smiled and grabbed my hand, then stared out the window. It was quiet outside, with barely anything moving in the darkness besides the occasional car or person walking their dog. A typical suburban home. I smiled.

“What?” The little boy asked.

“Oh, nothing. I have just been thinking. Noor has taught me much, don’t you think?”

The little boy nodded. “But… He hasn’t taught you much about love though. More people need to love in this world!” He laughed.

“Oh no. He has done better. He has taught me about myself, Alhamdulillah.”

Silence from the boy. Silence from me. It was over, gladly so.

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