Chapter 17

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I was almost afraid to return back home and face my remaining hours. Salat made me feel confident and full of life, yet there was something inside of me that was tugging me away from what I was going to pursue. It was a last minute thought. Maybe it wasn't right to go to America, maybe I was meant to stay here and live the life that society expected me to live. The thought sounded strangely appealing for once, but I pushed it out of my mind. My nose was then filled with the smell of a familiar scent. A comforting scent, yet one that you would not want to smell when you weren't sure what the source was. My hand grasped tightly around the edge of the Quran as I began to run as fast as my legs could manage. Something was wrong, I just knew something was wrong! My head spun, making me dizzy as the smell began to grow stronger the faster I ran, but I kept pushing forward.

I stopped in front of my house which was now smoldering in flames. Firemen stood in front of me with long thick hoses that poured water all over the already wet street. I fell to my knees and placed both hands over my eyes. I was so shocked, I couldn't say a word or cry. A hand touched my shoulder, causing me to look up quickly. The vision of him was so distorted and blurred, I wasn't sure who this person was. I assumed it was Noor, it had to have been Noor. My family would have escaped this fire, right?

"Hello, Miss? Miss you must lea—" He spoke perfect English. I knew Noor couldn't speak perfect English, but I didn't want to face the ache in my heart that whispered 'dead'. "Noor! Masha'Allah, Masha'Allah you are alive!" I grabbed on to the man's waist and began to sob into his stomach, until he slowly pulled me away. "Miss..." He whispered. I saw his face, blonde hair and blue eyes with a long, thin nose. "Are you an owner of this home? We must take you away immediately, you are under stress —" He took my elbows in his hands, as I withdrew. I stood to my feet and backed away a few steps.

"Is anyone alive?" I hissed under my breath, placing my free hand to an eye, wiping a last tear away.

"We haven't found anyone yet but I'm sure—"


"Miss, please come with me." He insisted. "It is not safe here."

I held out the Quran and backed up closer to the house. "It is just the Noble Quran, me and this child. I am not alone!" My suitcases sat in front of the house, untouched by the fire. Saying a few words of remorse and respect, I turned and began to walk away. I felt their eyes watching me, telling me to go on and live my dream. I could feel Noor holding me around the shoulders and mother's laughter in my ear, her kind voice telling me to always move forward. When their funeral comes, I shall return to London immediately. I would see my family soon, for they were deeply engraved in my heart.

"They all died?" The blonde haired girl whispered, setting down her pen. "I... I am so sorry!" She exclaimed, glancing up at me with sympathetic eyes."Yes, turns out there wasn't a soul left. The loss brought me closer with Allah (Glorified and Praised is He), and allowed me to raise my child with love, devotion and care." I whispered. "And I am perfectly happy with that."

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