Chapter 13

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The Band of Sisters

I, Aala and a girl named Iraj sat outside in the University courtyard writing in our school notebooks. We discussed the topics in our books in depth while taking detailed notes.

As soon as we finished discussing the chapter, the three of us relaxed and put our arms behind our heads, staring up at the sky. We breathed in the hot air, allowing the mid day sun to engulf us in its hot rays.

“Alright, school time is up, Iraj. I need to know. You went to Italy, how was it?” I asked, dropping my pencil and looking up at the thin, dark skinned girl. A slight smile came across her face.

“It was beautiful, absolutely beautiful!” She exclaimed, looking back at me with a smile. Aala leaned forward curiously. Iraj had just gotten back from a field trip where all the architecture majors at the University had the opportunity to study abroad for a month in Italy to study the structure of several unique buildings. She was fortunate enough to go.

“I learned about the culture and about their religion -- oh not to mention some Italian words too!” She put her hands together and looked to the sky as if dreaming. “I wish you all were there with me!” The three of us jumped up from our seats.

“Me too me too! Ooh the food…” Aala exclaimed dreamily.

“The opportunity… I want to live there. The labs and science… All the research!” I whispered excitedly.

“I think we all do.” Iraj smiled and pointed to the seats to tell us to sit down once more. As soon as we took our seats, Iraj began to tell a few stories of her experience. It made the two of us jealous but we were happy for our close friend.

Both Aala and I have been friends with Iraj for ages; we went to high school together, graduated and saw each other move on to the next step in our lives. Once we finished gossiping, the three of us lay on the ground, staring at the night sky and dreaming about what we were to do in the future. Suddenly, Aala turned around and pointed to a figure in the distance. Both Iraj and I had our eyes closed, unaware of Aala’s actions.

She was on her feet in less than a second and was running away from the two of us. Iraj peeked an eye open before exclaiming that Aala had just seen a cat or something and decided to chase it. I laughed at the comment.

Moments later, the soft thud of her footsteps could be heard behind me, causing me to look up. She fell to her knees and looked me directly in the eye, then held out her hand.

“What’s wrong? Spot a cat?” I chuckled before she abruptly shook her head. For once, Aala looked completely serious. She was always the jokester of the group, the innocent one who never knew what was going on.

“We… We are a group of close sisters aren’t we?” She whispered quietly, glancing from me to Iraj. The two of us nodded. “Us band of sisters, so powerful in every way! Our hearts are tied together by the Mighty Allah, and He gives us power!” She chuckled gently, sending her glistening silver laughter through the chilling night air. “I promise I’ll always be here for the two of you. Us childhood friends, we share a glorious past.” She took my hand and placed hers in it, allowing something cold to fall into my palm.

“Seriously Aala, what is wrong?” Iraj asked, glancing over to me with a confused expression. I couldn’t answer that question.

“Nothing, of course.” She replied, taking her hand away from mine. Inside my palm was a silver necklace, one adorned with fine gems and intricate designs.

“What’s this?” I whispered, my face suddenly growing pale as the beating of my heart grew noticeable and quickened. What was going on?

“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “Ask...”

That night, I went home slightly shaken up by Aala’s actions. As soon as I reached home, Noor was there to greet me. He hugged me tightly as I walked in the house, then headed to the kitchen to grab a piece of bread before going to sleep.

Something made me…

“Noor, what’s this?” I asked casually, walking over to him with a piece of bread hanging from my mouth. I held the necklace between my fingers, the stunning pendant made of blood red ruby glinted faintly in the light. “Just a question.” I shrugged.

His eyes widened slightly. “Wait… Where did you get that?”

“Someone gave it to me. Why? What is it? Did you buy it?”

He quickly shook his head and snatched the necklace from my hand. “Nothing! I will sell it, get more money.” He answered quickly and ran up the stairs. Confused, I stood there in thought.  

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