Chapter 16

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Shortly after, my climb to success began. Throughout this period of time, I applied to several American institutions and made it into the University of Illinois as a mathematics major. Excited as I was to attend this prestigious school, I would soon have a new child to care for. Things would get busy quickly.

During this time, Iraj left for Italy for her own studies and Aala got married to a humble Muslim man from the North of town. They were happily together but only weeks after their marriage, I did not see them again. It saddened me greatly but fortunately, we do still talk over the phone.

So, back to the story. It all started with a letter.

In one day, I was to be sent overseas to the University of Illinois to start my education. There was not enough money to bring my family, so it would just be me going. Now, this letter informed me that I would have to be on campus in one week which was just perfect. Piles of clothes were heaped on the bed and suitcases lined the floor. The mess was irritating, so as quickly as possible, I packed up everything I had. Picking up the suitcases and placing them on the front steps of the house, I headed back inside only to see Mother sitting on the couch with Noor. The two of them were silent, causing me to sit down next to them. "What's wrong?" I asked softly, breaking the depressing silence.

Mother coughed softly and glanced over to me. "When you leave to America, don't... Don't lose your culture that you know so well. Be... Powerful and focused, but never lose your faith."

I nodded humbly, and whispered "Mashaa'Allah." into her ear which caused Mother to nod and turn her big brown eyes away from me. It didn't feel I was losing her, but I'm sure that she felt she was losing me. That's what ripped my insides apart. I didn't know what to do for my mother or Noor! The two of them cared so much to me, yet they wanted the best for me, and I them. But I have been bestowed a great gift, and I cannot refuse it. "I will never leave my family, you know that right?" I broke the silence once more.The two of them smiled in unison and they both uttered a "good luck".

That night, I placed my suitcases outside the door, frantically rushing up and down the stairs with Noor helping me. He chattered aimlessly about what he planned to do while I was gone, and how he would kindly take care of the family. Of course, he was excited to see the birth of his new child... As was I! I passed mother cooking in the kitchen, the oven was blaring hot and a for once, the fireplace was lit.I took the Quran from my room, hugged mother and Noor, then headed out of the house for Salat. The night sure was cold and wet, tiny drops of rain made the streets reflect the fiery red evening light.

 And ... Then it happened.

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