Chapter 8

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Thoughts and Words

The next few months were the most challenging that I have ever experienced. Mother was crazed. She would not stop talking about the wedding, she would not stop buying flowers and dresses. I tried to calm her but she refused without a thought.

I left mother do her thing. She may have been ecstatic, but that should not be a reason as to why I would halt my studies. Life continued normally, except for the fact that I completely ignored Noor. It was mainly because I was furious. A person does not just approach another that they know so vaguely, claim they are soulmates and beg for marriage by asking the poor person’s willing parent for approval. That isn't right.

Mother, I do know, is used to arranged marriages. That is most likely why she chose the best person for me who happened to be Noor. I wouldn’t blame her if I were in her position. Although I am furious, I have to think on mother’s part. She is only doing what she believes is best for me and I must respect her for her care.

Then, the stereotypical marriage events occurred. Mother bought me a dress, Adam helped me organize the events, my friends supported me. Through this whole time, I pretended I was completely thrilled with this event. Surprisingly, I performed this emotion so carefully and with such immense amount of thought, enough to make it believable. It worked. My greatest weapon was my voice.

In the eyes of the reader, Noor must seem so mysterious. It is like he is hidden behind a corner and refuses to show his identity. Do you really know anything at all about Noor? Don’t worry if you don’t. I didn’t either.


Noor told me one day after class to meet him by the entranceway of the school. Refusing to obey his orders, I decided to head home to do my nights work and care for Fatima as well as Adam. Adam was still so young, he was only twelve years old. The little boy needed help on his homework and dinner to be prepared.

I chuckled at the thought that Adam would complain about my cooking. It was certainly not my strength, but he would have to deal with it! Mother would not be home, she was out with a few of her friends.

With a spring in my step, I walked home with my good friend. We chattered about the upcoming wedding and the exciting world of physics and mathematics that I was studying. She was in college herself, but was majoring as a teacher in English. I was proud of her as I was proud of my own accomplishments.

Eventually, after stopping for a small snack, I reached home and bid my friend goodbye. As soon as I turned around, I was face to face with Adam. He looked rather exhausted.

“Adam, what have you done?”

He said nothing and stared at me.

“Noor is here to see you again.” A slight smile came across his face. “He was speaking with me. Did you know Noor is a hafiz?”

I raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

Adam nodded quickly. “He is quite an amazing person, I do think you will like him. The way he speaks about you is flattering. You won’t regret it, Dali. I swear, on my behalf.” He held up his right hand.

I could not help but smile.


So I walked in the room. The wide open space glinted with the setting sunlight while Noor sat on the wide white couch staring ahead. He looked so very wise.

I felt my face turning red slightly, and was very happy I decided to wear my Niqab today.

“Noor, what are you doing here?” I said bluntly, checking behind me to make sure my brother was not listening at the door. Slowly, I closed the door to the living room behind me and took a seat on the other white lounge couch across from Noor.

“I came to greet my new wife.” He whispered, looking up. His dark eyes looked me up and down and once more. My Niqab failed to protect his eyes from piercing through my chest.

“Yes. Asalamu Alaykum.” I said with a bow of my head. My eyes never met his. Oh, the day that we marry, I will stare him right in the eye. I will be fearless!

There was silence between the two of us.

“Adali, I can see into your heart. I can see that you like me.” He whispered quietly while leaning forward. “I can see you do not want to show it. I do know that you want to be with me and that at my request you were surprised but also happy--”

“No!” I shouted, looking up. The minute I did so, I stared right into his eyes. Allah. Forgive me.

That was the first glimpse I had ever gotten of those brown orbs. They were swirling with thought, of passion and hatred, and of secrecy all behind those little black pupils.

Our gazes were unmoving.

“To marry you is like giving up my freedom.” I whispered, then dropped my gaze to his feet once more. “You are everything that is true.” He had a tad of arrogance, I could sense that. I needed to play into that. “But you are not mine.”

He took my hand in his. “I can at least try.” His voice was a gentle whisper. “I can’t give up someone as beautiful as yourself.” I felt him kiss it.

“Noor.” I grumbled, my eyes stern but focused on his feet.


“Please, stop. Allah is watching.”

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