Chapter 28: Training Hell Neverending

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Are you sure you are prepared for this? Once it starts, it won't be stopped until the designated time

I eyed the floating box in front of me, standing at the entrances to the training grounds. It was the morning after the second exam concluded, and I had everything squared away for Naruto-kun, Sasuke-kun and Sakura-chan, and all of my personal matters were put on hold.

"I am sure," I assured my 'friend' as I took in a deep breath, this training was going to essentially be one long gauntlet run, consisting of hordes of enemies coming at me, with every kill I make spawning an additional two enemies, meaning that many of my 'crowd clearing' jutsus would actually be to my detriment as there wouldn't be periods of 'rest' unless I managed to hide myself away from my enemies long enough to rest.

If you are sure, I will now transport you to the location... please, do be careful, I do not wish for one so interesting to die so soon.

I chuckled a bit in response as I relaxed by body, closing my eyes as I felt a brief sense of vertigo. "No worries, I don't plan on dying any time soon," I assured him as I opened my eyes again to find myself in a clearing of a forest consisting of massive trees as hundreds of what looked like White Zetsus began to come out of the foliage.

Quest Alert

Survive in the Zone for 25 days

With every White Zetsu killed two more shall take his place.

Kill too many in a single go and a special enemy shall appear.

Be warned, while the Zetsus are less active at night, it does not mean that there isn't a hunter that isn't active when the sun sets.

Bonus Objective






Quest Reward

1,000,000 EXP

+500,000 bonus EXP per bonus objective

EXP from Kills will be tallied at the end of the Quest Period

My [Sharingan] sprang to life as I looked around, thankfully, my near perfect control over my chakra, assisted by a couple of perks, reduced the cost of my [Sharingan] to a minimal amount, allowing me to keep it going indefinitely when one considered my natural chakra regeneration.

I drew out my kodachi as one of the Zetsus came up to attack me, the blade cutting through the plant like flesh of the creation, severing the arm reaching out for me as I began to backpedal away from the approaching group, looking around for any place that could serve as a good place to hide out.p

My goal here was simple; survive and do so without using my wide-area jutsu. I had been getting too much in the habit of simply blasting my enemies into smithereens with A- and S-Rank jutsu. Granted, on the regular enemies, it worked a treat, but against the real powerhouses of the Elemental Nations? Against Orochimaru, the stronger members of Akatsuki and even that bastard a of mine, Madara? No, it would not work.

By fighting against an unending gauntlet of enemies, I would be forced to think both tactically and strategically in order to ensure my survival, whilst at the same time focus on improving my situational awareness. As an Elite Jonin, it was already high enough, but as I was going to be a Kage soon, one of the Five Kage at that, merely very good was not good enough.

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