Chapter 8: Two Years of War

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You have slept in your own bed! HP & CP Restored by 100%

Never again will I dismiss that notification without gratitude.

Seriously, that goddamn rabbit can burn in hell for all I care, but, now that I thought about it, didn't I get a jutsu scroll from it?

You cannot learn [Inaba Rabbit] Jutsu. REQUIREMENTS: DEX 70+

Well... damn, even in the pits of hell that rabbit is giving me difficulty, still though, might as see what it would do if I go through the trouble to meet the requirements.

[Inaba Rabbit](Active/Passive)[Level 1-100] - Increases base movement speed by 100-300%, costs 100-1 CP/per Second

Oh... oh my, that... that is very helpful.

Before I could contemplate it any longer I heard the front door open and close. "I'm home!" my father's voice called out to the house.

"Dad!" I called back as I bolted out of bed, uncaring of the fact that I was only in a t-shirt and shorts to barrel into my laughing father who returned my tight hug with his own.

"Hey kid, Hokage-sama told me you were home, and that you were being promoted, congratulations," my father told me, looking tired, but proud as he looked down at me.

I felt my heartbeat flutter at his acknowledgement as my face hurt from the smile that was on my face. Stepping back I let him take off his shoes and walked with him into the kitchen where I promptly told him to sit down while I made breakfast.

"You're reminding me more and more of your mother every time I see you," he told me warmly as he watched me cook. "So, I heard a rumor you've created a new technique?"

I blushed a bit in response to commented before grinning and applied [Chakra Flow: Chakra Scalpel] on one of the kitchen knives to show him, the knife didn't carry the chakra well, but it was enough to get the technique across. "It's actually really simple," I explained as he studied the knife with his sharingan active. "[Chakra Flow] and [Chakra Scalpel] are both already similar techniques in nature, this just takes advantage of that, once I get comfortable with chakra nature manipulation I'm going to start trying to mix that in with it to see what happens."

My father nodded in understanding, letting his sharingan fade as I dropped my own technique. "Still, impressive, you are living up to everyone calling you a genius," he said, making me blush even further as I turned back to my cooking.

"I don't feel like one," I mumbled in response, apparently loud enough for him to hear, getting a chuckle. I was silent for a few more minutes as I focused on cooking us breakfast. "So... you and mom know about... my abilities?" I questioned, breaking the silence.

"We do," he confirmed calmly, his voice accepting. "You brother was the one who caught into it at first, he spotting you learning a jutsu in a scroll without even opening it."

"And here I thought I was being careful with that," I grumbled with a pout. "But... yeah, it'll be easier to show you, invite Genai Uchiha to party."

My father blinked and stared at the box that appeared before him with a dumbfounded expression.

Yuriko Uchiha has invited you to her Party?
Accept? Y/N

Curious he hit the accept button. "Now say [Status]," I prompted, getting him to follow through.

Name: Genrai Uchiha
EXP: 15,987/25,000
Gender: Male
Jonin (+50% to all reputation gains)
HP -
CP -
Ryo - 5,921,763

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