Chapter 22: The New Generation steps up

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I let out a soft breath as I sat in the middle of a small training field, my focus turned inwards as I began to experiment with my chakra. Specifically, separating the Yin and Yang aspects of my chakra, which... was not easy. The human body had evolved to mix the two aspects together, diluting their potency to allow it to be used safely. There were some clans that had a bit of a tilted balance, like the Nara clan who had a balance in favor towards Yin Release, or the Senju who leaned towards the Yang Release.

I knew it was possible to use yin and yang chakra separately, Kokuo had shown me that pretty plainly with the use of the Bijuudama. I was trying to seperate my Yin and Yang chakra from each other, specifically the Yang aspect in a bid to enhance my medical jutsu.

And progress was... painfully slow.

It was not easy reversing a natural process of the body in a way that wouldn't kill me doing so. But on the upside, it was a rather good practice for chakra control.

Letting out a sigh I opened my eyes as I came out of my meditative state. "There has to be something I'm missing with this," I grunted as I stood up properly, stretching out my body as I prepared to continue with my training. "It's possible, I know it is, so why can't I do it?"

It was honestly rather frustrating that I was hitting a stumbling block with this. It wasn't the first time I had an issue with a new technique or new training, but even then, I never completely stalled out in it like this... it was... rather irksome to be honest.

Shaking my head I pushed the thoughts out of my head as I worked on my next project, combining the principles of Minato-sama's Rasengan with the chakra scalpel.

It wasn't as easy as it seemed to be on paper. Yes, both techniques were raw chakra given shape and form, but with one little slip up while combining the pair, I almost lost my arm. On the plus side, I now have a general idea of what putting an arm in a blender feels like.

It hurts, a lot.

The three steps of forming the Rasengan were rotation, power and containment. All of those combined were what gave the jutsu the sheer power that had made Minato-sama feared in close quarters combat. I had, rather arrogantly, thought that my baseline knowledge of the three steps that I had learned in my former life would be enough to make it through this jutsu creation without a hitch.

Thus the arm blender incident.

I had received quite the scolding from Roshi for that. Suitably chastised, I had gone back to basics and learned the Rasengan myself. I admit to have borrowed the original timeline Naruto's idea regarding the usefulness of Shadow Clones in this, but only until I had levelled the [Rasengan] to Level 10. After that, I could perform it one-handed.

Now I was ready to try to combine the two jutsu again, this time with a much, much better understanding of both jutsu.

Taking in a deep breath, I formed the [Rasengan] in my hand, giving it a nostalgic look before focusing as I began to form a [Chakra Scalpel] in the same hand, using the principle of the [Chakra Flow] to meld the two justus together without them blowing up in my face.

It was... difficult to say the least, adding in a new component to the [Rasengan], especially given that it was the highest level of Shape Manipulation already. I had studied it a bit and deduced that increasing the size of the area to be compressed would diffuse the power slightly, but that would be made up for with the added effect of the [Chakra Scalpel]. How the canon timeline Naruto had managed to create the Oodama Rasengan was a bit beyond me.

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