Chapter 12: Halcyon Days

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"With creation, comes destruction, and with destruction, comes creation," the voice was... indescribable, like it was a thousand different ones speaking at once, all the while being a single voice. "With this Treasure, the earth was risen and given form, and with this treasure, all can be returned to dust."

Honestly, what the fuck is this shit, I had no idea where I was, it felt... it felt like when I was first reincarnated... oh god, did I die!?

"For one to understand how to create, one must understand how to destroy," the voice continued speaking, unmindful of my mental breakdown. "You humans are the closest species to understand this truth in quite a while. I wonder, will you be able to truly master the Amenonuhoko, or, will you be like so many other mortals and crumble under the weight of its power? He has marked you, but he is always fickle with his gifts. Should you succeed in mastering the Amenonuhoko, I would be interested in acquiring you myself. Keep a strong will, mortal, for what you wield is a Sacred Treasure, and it is just as likely to master you as you mastering it."

Well... that wasn't ominous at all!

The voice chuckled in amusement before it seemed to dismiss me.

A ragged gasp escaped my throat as I sat bolt upright from my... whatever that was.

You have slept for five hours on the cold hard ground.

HP&CP Restored by 10%!

Well... that's better than nothing I guess...

I blinked several times, trying to focus on the world beyond the box only for everything to be greeted by a blur. Ah, I appeared to have overused my Mangekyou Sharingan with that last stunt, combining a three abilities sounds cool on paper and in application. The after effects... not so much. Now... what happened to the Quest Alert, ah, there it is


Prove yourself to the Spectre of Six Paths


Able to use the Sacred Treasure Amenonuhoko when [Susano'o] is active.


So... I gained a special weapon like Itachi had with the Totsuka no Tsurugi and Yata no Kagami? Well, can't complain about that.

"[Skills]" I called out, hoping that the weapon would appear in it.

[Amenonuhoko (Heavenly Jeweled Spear)] (Active) [Level N/A]- Allows one to freely control the earth and shape it according to one's desires, even changing the very elemental composition. Steep chakra cost.

It was indeed there, and mother of god, on paper it sounded simple, earth shifting. In application though, it was something else altogether, being able to change the very elemental composition? Dear god that would make me an incredible asset for production alone, just touch the ground and boom, massive blocks of steel, weapons grade or otherwise.

Hell, I could crash the whole goddamn economy by producing massive quantities of gold and other rare metals.

In combat, I would be a nightmare, the very earth that we stood upon changed to a massive spiked pit, or just simply opened up into a black void that was then closed, with them inside. Mother of all the Kamis this... this was not going to help me with suppressing the god complex my Mangekyou was trying to give me.

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