Yuriko's Stat's page - Age: 9

5.6K 152 4

Name: Yuriko
EXP: 7,762/21,500
Chunin (+25% to all Reputation gains)
HP -
CP -
STR - 41 (51)
98 (122)
Ryo - 4,672,153
Stat Points: 5


Fire Release: Great Fireball (Active)[Level 50 - MAXED] - Staple Jutsu of the Uchiha Clan, burn your enemies alive with either a massive ball of fire, or a continuous flame-thrower - Fireball - 200 fire damage with a 30% chance to inflict the 'Burn' status, 100 CP per fireball - Flame-Thrower - 100 fire damage per second, with a 30% chance to inflict the 'Burn' status, 50 CP per second

Uchiha Interceptor Fist (Passive)[Level 75 - 4.6%] - The primary and basic taijutsu of the Uchiha clan, has several offshoot forms but each Uchiha has roots with this technique, makes maximum use of the Sharingan to predict and counter enemy attacks - increases DEX and STR by 25%

Intermediate Shurikenjutsu (Passive)[Level 28 - 66.35%] - You're starting to get fairly accurate with your kunai and shuriken, and can reliably hit a target. Though odds are you'll make the target a pincushion instead of hitting the same place every time - Increases accuracy of thrown items by +45%

Advanced Uchiha Style Kenjutsu (Passive)[Level 30 - 31.95%] - You have learned how to use the Uchiha style kenjutsu, and people easily recognize that you are talented with the blade. - +72 bonus to DEX and +51% STR when using a sword type weapon, +57% effectiveness to blocking incoming attacks when using a sword type weapon, enables advanced swordfighting special moves

Substitution Jutsu (Active)[Level MAX] - The Ninja get out of death card, and piss off to your enemies who thought you were dead! - Allows you change places with an item up to a large sized dog in weight to avoid an incoming attack you are aware of up to 15 times in a row, costs 10 CP per use

Transformation Jutsu (Active)[Level 96 - 21.4%] - The instant disguise kit! This genjutsu lets you disguise yourself from your enemies but is very fragile and can be disrupted easily. - Can transform into another person that is within 3 feet of your height and 80 lbs your weight. Costs 15 CP/ Second

Clone Jutsu (Active)[Level MAX] - A very basic clone technique, creates illusionary clones that don't have any shadows or creates sound - Can create up to Nineteen clones per use, 10 CP/Clone

Relaxation Technique (Active) [Level MAX] - the most basic Iryojutsu used by the Medical Ninja, the user uses their chakra to relax the target, washing their fatigue away and stimulating their chakra regeneration, cannot be used on self. - +140% Chakra Regeneration on Target, 20 CP/second.

Advanced Iryojutsu (Passive)[Level 55 - 68.54%] - You are now able to perform surgeries not only in the hospital, but in the battlefield with a higher success rate than failure rate, congratulations, you can now be considered a Doctor, were it not for the fact you kill people for a living - -50% CP cost for Iryojutsu, +55% effectiveness for Iryojutsu

Gentle Healing (Active)[Level 50 - MAX] - One of the basic healing jutsus used by Konoha ninja, most effective on minor injuries and is ill suited for major injuries. - Heals 50 HP/Second, costs 25/CP per second

Observe (Active)[Level 75 - 54.97%] - The go to skill of all with the power of the Gamer, with this you can see the stats of various items and people around you! - 10 CP/use

Ninja GamerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora