Chapter 24: The Power of Yuriko Uchiha

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I let out a small sigh of relief as I sat down in the living room of my apartment, Madoka-chan fast asleep in her room, Roshi was out on a mission currently and the boys were still in Wave, overseeing the construction of the bridge to ensure there was no further danger. But, the biggest danger seemed to have passed, allowing me a moment to relax.

It is good to relax when you can.

I froze, my mind seizing momentarily as the blue box floated in front of my vision.

It certainly has been a while since we spoke, Yuriko Uchiha.

"So... you're still watching me then? I thought you would have gotten bored by now," I breathed out, forcing my body to relax as I eyed the box in front of me warily. "Given how little I use the power you granted to me."

Quite the opposite really. It fascinates me to no end at how little you use the power of the Gamer... no, that is not the right wording. Rather, you use it as a guide for how your growth is working.

I have yet to see a human like you not get swept away by their own potential and rush headlong into your growth. Not to mention the fact, that you are not focused on solely your own strength, but rather, increasing the strength of your charges, while trying to do everything you can to decrease the strength of your enemies.

Quite admirable really.

I snorted a bit in response as I leaned back into the couch a bit more. "Really? I dunno anymore to be honest," the words left my lips easily as I spoke, if there was one person I was never going to lie to, it was myself. "But... it's getting harder to remember the things that happened in the manga... and..."

The things that happened in your previous life.

I knew my silence was all the confirmation I needed. I remembered that I had been a male... but... my appearance, my build, my hobbies.

My family.

It is not surprising, to be honest. Life in your previous incarnation had its trials, but when compared to the trials you face as a Kunoichi that came into her own during a time of war... they are rather... paltry in comparison aren't they.

"Yeah..." I admitted softly, closing my eyes for a bit. "I can only remember fragments, and I know my life then was far from easy for me then... or rather... for him."

Yes... for him. The one thing you humans never realize with reincarnation, while the soul may start off the same...

"By the time even four years have passed, it is noticeably different because of everything you experienced since then," I finished with a heavy sigh. "And I have been alive for over two decades now... I have a husband when I never dated before and a daughter as well."

Congratulations for that, by the way.

I snorted a bit, even after all this time, it was still a smartass. "Can I ask a couple of things?" I questioned hopefully.

I cannot promise answers, but go ahead.

"First... why me?" I asked speculatively. "Out of anyone, why did you chose me for all of this?"

There a pause for a moment before a response came.

There was no real reason. You caught my attention and I decided to see what you could do.

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