Arrival of Cancer

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Whenever Sukh thinks now they will stay happy forever. Time shows you cannot be happy struggles still there. Sukh now again became the victim of hardship and the serious disease that is cancer in 2015. Now, here is the twist throughout struggle in his life not able to break him. But, surprisingly cancer did it. He got the result positive with third stage.

Before getting the symptoms of cancer there is a knot in the neck. Which doctors suggest it might be another type of tuberculosis. So, they decided to start treatment of second category of medicines. By the time he feels good but after 9 months when the treatment ends. He suffered from fever and admitted in the hospital. Doctors decided to operate to take out the knot from the neck. But Kulwant feels (gut feeling) there might be something. She called her brother and ask him to talk Sukh not to get operated. His brothers did the same and Sukh decided to do further tests.

Doctor said "the tests did not show anything" but by the experiencing they suggest taking the risk to give Sukh a shot of Chemo medicine. Luckily, after getting the injection the knot vanished. So, it was confirmed that it was cancer. After two to three sessions of chemo they again send the samples which shows third stage of Cancer.

He was very close to her daughter he didn't want to let her know about it so, they refused her to come back home on the weekends from the hostel. After one and half month she forcibly came home. When she reached to bus stop her brother was there to pick her up.

She understands something is not good as his father always came. When she reached home, she saw her father and her eyes was full of tears to see his father in that situation. He was looks like a skeleton no strength in his body.

Her daughter tried to calm her down and motivate his father that nothing will happen to him he will be fine soon. The chemotherapy started that was itself very painful and affects the person very badly.

His nature was totally changed he used to be frustrated and angry. Doctors said they tried their best as the cancer was in the stomach so the diet should be very healthy and fresh. But he cannot eat well, and his condition deteriorating by the time. But everyone said it happens due to chemotherapy because it was very strong.

Sukh felt that he cannot survive anymore and talk to her daughter that he will die before her marriage, she must promise with him to keep her shares of property with her. As, he was very close to her daughter he wants her security. Soon, he learns that many people survived from cancer then he wants to meet them immediately.

His son took him to that person in the near by village. The person motivates him that he will survive too, that person shares his experiences, pain and what things to do, what kind of diet he must follow. Sukh listens every person and apply their suggestion into his daily routine.

He seems to be motivated and full of strength and pull his socks to fight with bravery with cancer. This helps him to recover fast and his reports shows the unexpected results. The doctors show him the reports and tells he was recovering very fast, this make him realizes that his inner strength is more effective than any other thing. In couple of months he was recovered from cancer. He took a year to be healthy and fit.

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