Fight with tuberculosis

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When the life seems to be on track here another tragedy ready to happen. The life of Sukh was already full of struggle. In 2002, because of the weakness, stressful environment Sukh's immunity gets weaken and attacked by tuberculosis. A disease  which has no treatment at that time, the situation was very stressful for the family. Kulwant (Sukh's wife) had done all alone, during this time there was nobody to help them financially and emotionally. Even Sukh's sibling didn't came forward to ask how he was doing, to gave him emotional strength. 

Sukh has witness his his life how much struggle has to be done by a child without father. He didn't want that his children went through this struggle. This helped him to regain his strength and he started responding the medicine. Will he be survived from this disease??? This question arose in the mind of everyone.

His children didn't get what's going on. They started asking their mother why dad always sleeping on the bed?? He never kissed and played with us. He was sleeping without us. A girl who was used to sleep with his dad was unable to accept the situation. It was tough for Kulwant to hide his emotions and tell them he was just taking rest.

After a year now, he seems to be healthy and free from the disease. But, he was not in touch with his children due to some precaution. It was tough time but he was able to fight with such a disease which break a person emotionally, physically and financially. But, Sukh already struggled enough in his life he was strong once again to start his life again.

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