"why did you have go in there?! you could've killed yourself and this happened to you!" spinel looked like she's about to punch you but she couldn't due to your injuries.

"someone has to do the job." you simply stated, nobody can take an anthropophage down by simple weapons like guns and such. you can see a tear fall from spinel's cheeks, you used your still useful hand to wipe her tear away, it stings but it's worth it to make her a little better.

"it's alright, this girl has faced many burns in her life." you tried to lighten up the mood, you rubbed her head softly as you grin. spinel sniffed and then hugged you "even though we've known each other for a day and a half, i don't want to see you getting hurt."

you rubbed her back soothingly, spinel pulled away and looked deeply into your eyes but you broke it "can i take you home?"

"with you looking like a burnt potato? no, you need ambulance." spinel tried to pull you to the main scene but you resisted "no no, i insist." you smiled as you don't want anyone seeing your injuries.

"y/n. . ." spinel is practically begging you to go to the ambulance, you gave in and sighed. "okay, you win. are you sure you don't want me going with you?" spinel chuckled.

"no thanks, just go to the ambulance already?" you grinned and watched her walk away from the main scene. as her figure is no longer visible, you crouched down and then jumped really high.

you forced your severely injured arm and the still useful one as boosters to fly you to your apartment. you grunted as the pain started to get worst and worse.

as you finally can see your apartment, you used your last fuel to push you onto the roof. you lifted yourself up and went to the attic window, kicked it open (probably broke it), you hurriedly went to your bathroom and opened the faucet on the bathtub.

you sat down on the floor with your arm dangling on the bathtub while it's filling with water. as it'a finally filled, you removed all of your burnt clothes, some even are stuck in your skin.

you slow went it, excruciating pain took over your body. you bit your lip so hard that it starts to draw blood, as your body fully sank into the water, you slowly relax but the tingling pain still lingers.

after 5 minutes, you started to rub off some burnt skin and the mounded cloth that got into your skin. the water started to turn into dark red because of your blood and the chared bits.

after a few more minutes of you rubbing off your skin clean, you grabbed the towel that is on the toilet cover. you got out of the tub, wiped you every inched of your body clean and removed the plug to drain the nasty water.

you got out of the room, you changed into new clothes. you sat down at the edge of the bed and looked at your newly cleaned skin.

just like that percy jackson guy, he can heal himself if he's in water. yes, your power is fire but water can become your life saver and healer.

you laid into your bed staring into the nothingness of the ceiling, you sighed and wondered if spinel really got home safe. should you go and check on her? who sent those anthropophages?

those questions started to swirl around your head like a hive on bees, you grabbed a pillow and hugged it and tried to sleep.


spinel got home safely, she's on the couch with a cup of tea in her hand talking to peeps what happened.

"what?! she's covered in burns and she's fine?! that's impossible!" peeps said as she lead against the couch. "yeah, but her arms are the ones that really has great injuries."

spinel took a sip of her tea and looked out in the window, hoping that you'll have a safe recovery. "it's almost. . . inhumane." peeps mumbled but spinel was able to hear it.

"i mean, people have different ranges of pain tolerance and y/n's are really high." peeps nodded. "i'm just glad you're okay."

"thanks, but will y/n be okay?"

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