Chapter 24

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As the open field cleared of rogues, everyone sighed in relief, no innocent blood had been shed, only that of the two crazed leaders.

Mason and Gabe ran across to their mates, gathering them up into their arms, apologizing profusely for their lack of attentiveness.

Leo finally shifting back into his human form, turning towards his mate, his shredded pants the only item of clothing still intact.

Both staring at each other across the clearing, unsure on how to proceed, wanting to be the better person, Leo stepped forward, going down on his knees once he reached Grace, humbly gazing at his mate, "I am truly sorry for ever doubting you...!" He spoke out gruffly, sincerity in his voice.

Grace looked down at her mate, her hand trembling as she reached out to her mate, her fingers moving over the hard contours of his face, his steel gray eyes gazing at her with a mixture of love and sadness.

Groaning internally, Leo slowly lifted his hand, placing it over hers, "I am really sorry..." He repeated, placing a kiss in the palm of her hand.

With the pointed end of the knife held her at her throat, Grace had realized then, that she wanted a chance to make amends with her mate, life was too short to hold grudges and after all...every new relationship had its moments. They needed to learn that, as they made their way into the future as a couple.

"Promise me, that you will at least believe me, before judging so harshly..." She whispered out, uncertainty in her voice.

"Always...!" He instantly responded, "I have no excuse for the way I reacted, only that I was a complete utter fool."

"That you were...!" Agreeing with him, a small smile forming on her face.

"So, is it safe to ask if you forgive me?" He gently asked, hope rising seeing the smile on her face, holding his breath.

Laughing, "This time...but I can't promise yet, that you won't do it again. Time will only tell...!" She warned lightly, her smile widening, as she gazed at him, her emotions opening for him to feel and see.

More than relieved, Leo stood up to his full height, gathering her into his arms, giving her a passionate kiss.

After a few heated kisses, Leo looked down at his flushed mate, "So, will you forgive me, if I didn't tell you that you are pregnant!" He gently quipped, a teasing tone in his voice, taking advantage of her dazed state.

Grace eyes widened, "Leo..." She growled lowly, hitting him hard on his chest, "We seriously need to set some ground rules with you, things like that shouldn't be kept a secret."

Leo flushed slightly, "I promise it's the last thing I have kept from you." He stated, placing a gentle kiss on her lips, trying to pacify her.

Shaking her head, "It better be...or else I will personally castrate you and feed your genitals to the wolves!" She warned him, huffing slightly at his annoying smile.

"Love you...!" Was the only response he could give, knowing she would submit to that, his grin widening as she melted in his arms, knowing he had not only won the battle, but also the forgiveness of his soul mate.

Grace could only shake her head, her big bad Alpha, was declaring his love for her in front of a great number of people, "You are one big crazy oaf...but I love you too." She spoke, more than willingly accepting the passionate kiss he gave her, feeling safe and secure in his arms, forgetting about everyone staring at them, enjoying the moment.

As for Leo, having his beautiful mate and unborn pup, safely in his arms, was the best gift that the Moon Goddess could ever have given him, thanking the stars above for what he had special in his life.

The Missing Luna - Book 5 - Finding Their Mate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now