Chapter 17

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Finally reaching Lunar Pack in the late afternoon, Grace gazed out the window, nervous at the reception she would receive.

Leo gave her hand a gentle squeeze, sensing his mate's emotions, "They will love you, there is nothing to worry about," He declared confidently, giving her a loving smile.

Grace smiled back, taking a deep breath to calm herself, nodding her head in acceptance.

The vehicle stopped in front of a large house, the driver and guard first climb out, then Leo was next, extending his hand out for her to take, helping her out, making their way around the vehicle, arm in arm as they approached the group awaiting them at the front entrance.

"Everyone, this is my mate, Grace..." Leo spoke, smiling at his family and close friends.

His parents were the first to approach, a warm and welcoming smile on their faces, first hugging Leo, then Grace. Soon the rest followed, Gabe and Angel, then Mason, who apologized for the absence of his mate, which Grace naturally understood, telling him that there would be time enough in the future to worry about seeing Raven.

They then all convened to the dining area, Kara had made preparations for dinner, everyone taking their seat, except Mason, who decided to spend time with his mate.

Dinner proceeded with lighthearted chatter, everyone enjoying their meal, Grace getting to know the family better, her nervousness long forgotten, a feeling of contentment coursing through her being, knowing that everyone present had willingly accepted her and welcomed her into their loving embrace.

As they sat around having coffee, the men discussing business and the women getting to know each other, at the forefront of everyone's mind was wondering how long this peace would last.

Retiring to their room later that evening and after their lovemaking, Grace lay with her head on her mate's chest, drawing patterns on his chest, as she pondered about the task ahead, "I think that tomorrow, I should tackle the identification of the woman as soon as possible." She commented, lifting her head to gaze at her mate.

Leo nodded his head in agreement, "That can be arranged, we can do it sometime after breakfast, when everyone is done with their own thing, we can all sort through the data as quickly as possible."

With that behind them, they lay contently in each other's arms, drifting off to sleep.

The following day, as arranged, everyone trusted to handle the sensitive information, were locked in Leo's office, going through the countless females on their registered list, typing in the necessary description to shorten their list.

In Lunar Pack, there were over a thousand members, almost half of that were female, so having help from Leo's parents, Gabe, Angel and Mason, their time was cut in half in the search for the traitor.

As Grace sat at Leo's desk, with him standing behind her, she looked through another batch of photos on the computer, searching for the elusive woman.

By the hundredth photo, Grace was ready to scream, wondering how many women in that age range were living in this pack alone, she had thought she would only be given a short list of women who had red hair and green eyes.

However, as Mason pointed out, if the woman gave a false name, she likely also disguised herself.

So here she was, going through all of these pictures, looking for any distinguishing marks that she could clearly identify as the traitor.

For Grace it felt like forever, drawing comfort from her mate's presence behind her, when the next photo made her gasp, "That is her...!" She whispered out, a sense of relief of finally finding the person.

The Missing Luna - Book 5 - Finding Their Mate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now