Chapter 18

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Leo stilled, staring at the screen before him, stunned speechless at his mate's accusation.

"Who is it?" Kara asked, having heard Grace's whisper, drawing everyone's attention towards the pair.

Leo shook his head, grabbing the screen and turning it to face everyone, hearing the collective gasp of everyone in the room, his mind in turmoil and doubt at his mate's accuracy.

Grace felt the doubt from her mate, stilling as she gazed ahead, seeing the same doubt and confusion on everyone's faces, only Angel had a look of confusion, which was not a surprise, as she too was new to the pack and had yet to meet all the members.

Grace's protective instinct came into effect, as the room continued in silence, the tension in the air rising, the wave of doubt coming from her mate was the last straw.

Drawing in her breath, standing up and walking around the desk towards the exit, was a clear indication that her mate was unaware of how he had basically shut her out, doubting her ability in identifying a potential threat.

Coming out of his daze, Leo soon noticed that Grace was about to walk out, "Where are you going?" He asked, frowning when he noticed the way she stiffened at his voice.

Grace had stilled, her body stiffening, tears brimming in her eyes, taking a moment to stare ahead of her, seeing the understanding and sympathy in Angel's eyes.

Taking another deep breath, she turned around, gazing directly at her mate, her emotions open for him to see, "Why should I stay here, it is clear that you do not believe me, I felt and sensed your doubt." She said through gritted teeth, tapping her head, "You forgot to close your link, I heard your every thought..."

Leo flinched, he had forgotten to shut his link, too shocked at the revelation presented to him, "I'm sorry..." He began, trying to soothe his mate, only to stop mid-sentence as she held her hand up.

Shaking her head, "I need a moment away from this..." She quietly spoke, her heart and soul hurting, feeling betrayed by the person she thought would trust her with all his being.

"But..." Leo began, again attempting to apologize for his careless thoughts, kicking himself internally for even doubting his mate.

"No...!" Grace spoke, her voice rising, the tears she held at bay, streaming down her face, "I need a moment away from all of you, it's bad enough that you doubted me, but seeing almost everyone here mirroring the same doubt is too much...!"

For the second time in just a few minutes, Leo was stunned and speechless, watching as his mate fled the office.

Angel stood up, gazing around at everyone in disappointment, shaking her head, "You know I have always felt so welcome in this family, but after this...I feel the same way as Grace, everyone here clearly need a priority check."

"Babe..." Gabe began, standing up next to his mate, rubbing a soothing hand on her back, "It's not like that, we were all just shocked."

Angel snorted, rolling her eyes, "You never doubted my loyalty towards you, not for one moment did you think I would betray you, despite having every reason to..." Again shaking her head, "Yet all of you instantly doubted her word and to make matters worse, her own mate had reservations."

Everyone grimaced at the reality of Angel's words, feeling guilty that they did not believe Leo's mate, their first instinct was to doubt her...

"I am going to find Grace and apologize on my behalf." Angel spoke firmly, "I suggest all of you come up with a better way of appealing to Grace's tender nature and apologize for your stupidity..."

Having said that, she left the office, leaving everyone behind, wondering where Grace could have run off too...

The Missing Luna - Book 5 - Finding Their Mate SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now